Puppeteer with Jest & Docker - Page Object Model - Automation

Design Page Objects and run Tests

Run application

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/JayKishoreDuvvuri/Puppeteer-Jest-Docker-Automation-Framework

Install dependencies

Install Node modules with command : npm i

Run test

Test Execution Sequentially (OR) Parallel
npm run test (OR) npm test                   #For Parallel execution
npm test addToCart.test.js                   #For running individual test

Folder Structure

├── ...
├── pages                               # Generic functionality for tests
│   |
│   ├── BasePage.js                     # Base page testing functionality
│   ├── LandingPage.js                  # Landing page testing functionality
│   ├── AddToCartPage.js                # Add To Cart page testing functionality
│   ├── ProductPage.js                  # Product page testing functionality
├── test                                # Test suite
│    ├── addToCart.test.js              # Automated Test Script
│    ├── checkTotalPrice.test.js        # Automated Test Script
│    ├── productNames.test.js           # Automated Test Script
│    ├── toggleProductColour.test.js    # Automated Test Script
│── config.js                           # Confiuguration JavSacript File
├── utils                               # Utility files for testing
│    ├──locators.js                     # HTML and CSS identifier for elements to test
├──  allure-results                     # allure generate {Directory} [on terminal]
└─── allure-report                      # allure open                 [on terminal]

Generate Allure Test Report

Run on Terminal :
        ├── allure generate --clean (OR) allure generate --clean --output allure-report  
        ├── allure open

Docker Locally

docker build -t puppeteer:v1 .
docker run -it puppeteer:v1      

From Docker Hub

docker pull jaykishoreduvvuri/puppeteer:v1   
docker run -it jaykishoreduvvuri/puppeteer:v1