
WebdriverJs - JavaScript, NodeJS Automation Page Object Model

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WebDriverJs - Automation Testing With Node.js, Javascript And Selenium WebDriver

Design Page Objects and run Tests

Run application

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/JayKishoreDuvvuri/WebDriverJs.git

Install dependencies

npm i chai chai-as-promised chromedriver mocha mochawesome selenium-webdriver --save-dev 

Install Node modules with command : npm i

Run test

mocha homePage.spec.js  #For only single individual test
npm test                #For Sequential Execution of tests
npm run test:parallel   #For Parallel Execution of tests

Folder Structure

├── ...
├── lib                         # Helper methods
│   ├── basePage.js             # Generic functionality for tests
│   ├── startPage.js            # Start page/Home page testing functionality
|   ├── hotelSelectionPage.js   # Hotel Selection page testing functionality
|   └── hotelDetailsPage.js     # Hotel Details page testing functionality
├── test                        # Test suite
│   ├── homePage.spec.js        # Automated Test Script
│   ├── hotelSelection.spec.js  # Automated Test Script
├── utils                       # Utility files for testing           
│   ├──locators.js              # HTML and CSS identifier for elements to test
├── mochawesome-report          # Test Report for the tests executed
|   ├──mochawesome.html         # Right click --> Reveal in Finder for MAC (OR) Reveal in Explorer for Windows
└── Screenshots                 # Screenshots captured for failed tests