- This is for the Unit 2 (Ruby) Capstone project for Nashville Software School.
The contstraints of the project are that they must use standard library Ruby with the exception of being able to use ActiveRecord as an ORM. Future exceptions may be added, but the concept with this capstone is to demonstrate mastery of Ruby itself.
- The goal of this project is to create a quiz that will be rewarding to the user.
- This project is currently in the final stages
- The music trivia quiz will include interaction with the user and some of the questions will be based on the user input.
- Planned usage is as follows:
- The game will ask for the user's initials.
- The game will ask the user to choose a category. Choices will include 60's Rock & Pop, 90's and Country.
- The quiz will be 20 questions.
- I want the user to be able to take the test multiple times and not see many questions twice. This will require a multitude of questions that are accessed randomly.
- The end of the quiz will post a score and give some sort of praise/shame feedback depending on the outcome.
- To demo the app, you'll have to download it and try it yourself.
- There certainly are some, but nothing major.
- Jay McDowell
- 5/9/2013 - Created initial repository with README and user stories, as per students' assignment for 5/10
- Copyright © 2013 Jay McDowell