
This is a sample Flutter app that demonstrates how to integrate OAuth2.0 authentication using Google OAuth providers. OAuth (Open Authorization) is a widely-used protocol for secure authorization and authentication.


OAuth2.0 integration. Minimalistic user interface for easy understanding. Simple Welcome Splash Screen. Home Page that will display user details and Sign Out option. Secure token management. Clear separation of authentication logic.


Flutter installed on your development machine. Basic understanding of OAuth authentication flow. Accounts created with the desired OAuth providers for testing.


Need to Register an app with the desired OAuth provider(s) to obtain client credentials (e.g., client ID and client secret).


  1. Launch the app on an emulator or a physical device: flutter run
  2. On the SignIn screen, select the desired google accnount to initiate the authentication flow.
  3. Upon successful authentication, the app will display relevant user information on next screen which in Home Page.