This is a fork of a very old project, that I am trying to resurect, including updating code to Python3. This may take some time.
This is a library for QR images generation. It provides functions to generate predefined sized and custom QRs with several output formats. All functions return a filelike-object (StringIO) with the encoded QR.
import qrlib one_qr = qrlib.generate_qr_file('', qr_format='PDF') f = open('qrsample.pdf', 'w') f.write(one_qr.getvalue()) f.close()
The API is very simple. There are only two functions to generate predefined-sized QRs and customized size QRs. The library will choose the minimum QR version for the text length to be encoded and will decorate the image with a logo and instructions in case of PDF generation.
There's a in the main distribution directory to fine-tune several parameters, notoriously all the predefined sizes and error correction values, logo and instructions image files, etc.
All public intended functions will return a filelike object with string binary data of the requested format.
Supported outputs:
Function to return a filelike object with preconfigured sizes in
generate_qr_file(text, language='es', qr_format='PDF', app='interior', app_size='small', instructions=True, style='default', style_color='#000000', inner_eye_style='default', inner_eye_color='#000000', outer_eye_style='default', outer_eye_color='#000000', bg_color='#FFFFFF'):
- language
- Text language for PDF instructions. Only 'es' spanish for now.
- qr_format
- Format of QR, Values 'SVG', 'PDF', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'JPEG'. Defaults to 'PDF'.
- app
- Application for QR, 'interior' or 'exterior'. Automatically chooses error correction level for QR. Defaults to 'interior'.
- app_size
- Application size, 'small', 'medium', 'large'. Defaults to 'small'.
- instructions
- Print or not the instructions in the PDF
- style
- Style to apply to QR blocks (one of static/styles). Defaults to 'default' style.
- style_color
- Hex color code for style. Defaults to #000000
- inner_eye_style
- Style to apply to inner eyes of QR. Defaults to 'default' style.
- inner_eye_color
- Hex color code for inner eye style. Defaults to #000000.
- outer_eye_style
- Style to apply to inner eyes of QR. Defaults to 'default' style.
- outer_eye_color
- Hex color code for outer eye style. Defaults to #000000.
- bg_color
- Hex color code for QR background. Defaults to #FFFFFF
Function to return a filelike object with custom QR size and error correction level.
generate_custom_qr_file(text, language='es', qr_format='PDF', size=150, ec_level='L', instructions=True, style='default', style_color='#000000', inner_eye_style='default', inner_eye_color='#000000', outer_eye_style='default', outer_eye_color='#000000', bg_color='#FFFFFF'):
- language
- Text language for PDF instructions. Only 'es' spanish for now.
- qr_format
- Format of QR, Values 'PDF', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'JPEG', 'SVG'. Defaults to 'PDF'. No format besides PDF will show instructions.
- size
- Size in pixels for the generated QR. The size includes a mandatory safe margin for QR readability. This border size its relative to block sizes and can be customized in
- ec_level
- Error correction level. Values:
- 'L' - approx 7% 'M' - approx 15% 'Q' - approx 25% 'H' - approx 30%
- instructions
- Print or not the instructions in the PDF
- style
- Style to apply to QR blocks (one of static/styles). Defaults to 'default' style.
- style_color
- Hex color code for style. Defaults to #000000
- inner_eye_style
- Style to apply to inner eyes of QR. Defaults to 'default' style.
- inner_eye_color
- Hex color code for inner eye style. Defaults to #000000.
- outer_eye_style
- Style to apply to inner eyes of QR. Defaults to 'default' style.
- outer_eye_color
- Hex color code for outer eye style. Defaults to #000000.
- bg_color
- Hex color code for QR background. Defaults to #FFFFFF
To run included tests you must be in the library directory and then run:
$ python -m unittest2 discover
Once installed you can run the tests from any directory:
$ python -m unittest2 discover qrlib