
A simple web-based encyclopedia application that allows users to browse, search, create, and edit entries. Built with Django.

Primary LanguagePython


Wiki is a simple web-based encyclopedia application where users can browse, search, create, and edit entries. This project is a part of the CS50 Web Programming with Python and JavaScript course, demonstrating the use of Django, Python, and Markdown to HTML conversion.


  1. Index Page:

    • Displays a list of all encyclopedia entries that users can read through.
  2. Search:

    • Users can search for encyclopedia entries by typing a query into the search bar.
  3. Create New Page:

    • Users can create a new encyclopedia entry.
  4. Edit Page:

    • Users can edit an existing encyclopedia entry.
  5. Random Page:

    • Users can click on "Random Page" to be taken to a random encyclopedia entry.
  6. Markdown to HTML Conversion:

    • The project uses the markdown2 package to convert Markdown content into HTML.
    • Using Markdown for content ensures simplicity, readability, consistency, and easy HTML conversion, allowing users to focus on writing without complex formatting.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/JayShukla8/Wiki.git
    cd Wiki/
  2. Install dependencies:

    • Make sure you have Python installed.
    • Install Django and markdown2 by running:
    pip install django markdown2
  3. Run the server:

    python manage.py runserver
  4. Access the app:

    • Open your browser and go to to view the Wiki Home Page.

Project Structure

  • encyclopedia/: Contains the main Django app files.

    • templates/encyclopedia/: HTML templates for the project.
    • static/encyclopedia/: Static files like CSS.
    • urls.py: URL routing for the app.
    • views.py: Contains the logic for rendering the encyclopedia.
    • forms.py: Contains form definition for new page.
    • util.py: Helper functions for retrieving and saving encyclopedia entries.
  • entries/: Directory where all the Markdown files for encyclopedia entries are stored.


  • For a live demonstration of the project, watch this video.
  • Also, here's what the home page looks like- image

Future Improvements

  • Implement user authentication to restrict editing and page creation to logged-in users.
  • Improve styling with a more modern design.
  • Comments Section: Enable users to comment on entries for discussions and feedback.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Enhance the design for better usability on mobile devices.
  • Deployment to Production: Make the project go live by deploying it on a suitable web hosting platform, ensuring accessibility to users online.


  • Mr. Brian Yu for the inspiration and guidance and being an awesome teacher.