- NN1: Neural Networks with 2 hidden layers[6k+, 60, 100, 38]
- NN2: Neural Networks with 2 hidden layers[6k+, 70, 90, 38]
- XGB: XGBoost
- *_avg: Averaged 50 model predictions of *
- NN1, NN2: xgboost
- .6 * (NN1_avg + NN2_avg)/2 + .4 * XGB_avg
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- xgboost-0.3
- Cuda 6.5
- python 2.7.6
- numpy 1.8.2
- scipy 0.13.3
- pandas 0.16.0
- scikit-learn 0.16.1
- theano 0.7
- lasagne
- nolearn
Change data_path in utility_common.py to your data location
Submission (command, output file(s), scores(Public, Private))
- python xgb.py
- pr002_xgb_test.npy, pr002_xgb_train.npy
- [0.61108, 0.60271]
- python nn.py
- pr_nn002_h1_60.npy, pr_nn002_h1_70.npy
- [0.58743, 0.58468], [0.59361, 0.59228]
- python make_submission.py
- pred002.csv
- [0.52832, 0.52625]
- python xgb.py
Parameter tuning experiments[Stratified 4-fold cross validation]
- XGB, XGB_avg
- Target parameters: max_depth, num_round
- python params_tune_xgb.py
- Output files: logs/r087.csv, pr_xgb087.pkl(6.4G)
- XGB: The mean log_loss of XGB
- XGB_avg: Log_loss of Averaged XGB model predictions
- NN, NN_avg
- Target parameters: max_epochs
- python params_tune_nn.py
- Output files: logs/r096.csv, logs/r096_summary.csv, pr_nn096.pkl(1.5G)
- NN: The mean log_loss of NN
- NN_avg: Log_loss of Averaged NN model predictions
- Ensemble
- Target parameters: max_epochs
- python params_tune_ensemble.py
- Output files: logs/r104.csv, logs/exp_ens_h1_60.png, logs/exp_ens_h1_70.png
- NN_XGB: Log_loss of .6 * NN_avg + .4 * XGB_avg