
This is a simple flask application made in 2 days from scratch. It was an assignment given to me to test my skills in flask and other libraries.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple flask application made in 2 days from scratch. It was an assignment given to me to test my skills in flask and other libraries.

I had zero knowledge on SQLAlchemy and database integration in flask. I didn't even have much confidence in my flask knowledge while attempting this assignment. The two days spent understanding Flask, SQLAlchemy and WTForms was a good learning expeirence in the life of a programmer. (Which would've been made much easier with a little guidance I guess).

Day 0 was spent in trying to understand what the assignment expected of me, and trying to figure out the tools needed to create the applciation.

Day 1 was the crust of the learning experience where I had to learn SQLAlchemy (after wasting hours on flask-sqlalchemy with no progress) while brushing up on my flask skills which i had nearly forgotten. The day didn't have much progress in terms of completing the assignment, but it was a great day for learning new stuff. (Completed only the basic html files, the navigation flask routes and the sqlalchemy database creations.)

Day 2 was a day of progress where I had to scrap all the input forms I used and replace it with the almighty WTForms that I newly learned. It was a lot of hassle to get the flask routes to work properly for adding and updating the database through html. But nonetheless the assignment has been completed. :)

Day 3 was a day of burnout where I've given up on trying to think of a logic for the overview function which probably is the crux of the system :/ . Well, atleast fixed most of the bugs and the forms work perfectly. That is something to celebrate I guess.

But in any case, this is the end for this assignment at this point of time. I might come back to this in the future (If I'm in the full-stack web-dev side of things).