
Predicting-Used-Cars-Prices with Machine Learning Models

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • Predicting the prices of a Used Cars using SciKit Learn Supervised ML techniques

Jaya Raghavendra - jay.raghav333@gmail.com - 7036563656

1.1 Introduction

  • Driverless cars are getting closer to reality and at a faster pace than ever. But it is still a bit far fetched dream to have one in your garage. For the time being, there are still a lot of combustion and hybrid cars that roar around the road, for some it chills. Though the overall data on sales of automobiles shows a huge drop in sales in the last couple of years, cars are still a big attraction for many. Cars are more than just a utility for many. They are often the pride and status of the family. We all have different tastes when it comes to owning a car or at least when thinking of owning one.

1.2 Libraries Used

  • Numpy (for Numerical Analysis)
  • Pandas (for handling data files)
  • Matplotlib (for visualizations inline & figure settings)
  • Seaborn (for better relational visualizations)
  • Scikit Learn (for model building & data pre-processing)

1.3 Algorithm

  • Random Forest Regression

1.4 Data Set

  • The DataSet is provided by MachineHack in a Hack-a-thon conducted by Imarticus Learning

2.1 Problem Statement

  • AIM: To predict the price of used cars based on the previous data obtained from scraping several sources

2.2 Business Understanding

  • Companies can restrict the selling price of the used car being posted by the customer in their respective websites.
  • Companies can provide a visualization to customers for a better understanding of their car selling price.
  • Companies can have Fraud Customers who are posting cars for higher prices.
  • Companies can expand their network based on the number of cars being sold the next year by prediction.

2.3 Data Exploration

Parameter Description
Name The brand and model of the car
Location The location in which the car is being sold or is available for purchase
Year The year or edition of the model
Kilometers_Driven The total kilometres are driven in the car by the previous owner(s) in KM
Fuel_Type The type of fuel used by the car
Transmission The type of transmission used by the car
Owner_Type Whether the ownership is Firsthand, Second hand or other
Mileage The standard mileage offered by the car company in kmpl or km/kg
Engine The displacement volume of the engine in cc
Power The maximum power of the engine in bhp
Seats The number of seats in the car
New_Price The price of a new car of the same model
Price The price of the used car in INR Lakhs
  • Null Values availability in the Data provided

2.4 Data Cleaning

  • In our current project data cleaning plays a major role
  • I have dropped the data rows that consist of null values
  • After looking at the box plots, I have seen that too many outliers are restricting the plot structure so removed some of the data cells with higher value to avoid model underfitting.
  • Example: Removing the top 50 outliers from Kilometers_Driven column.

2.5 Data Visualization

  • Some of the statistics obtained from the data visualizations are
  • Frequency Distributions
  • Maruti, Hyundai & Honda tops the list as most selling used car companies.
  • Ambassador & ISUZU makes least in the list

  • Mumbai & Hyderabad stands as the top location where used cars sold in most.
  • Bangalore & Ahmedabad stands least in the list

  • 95% of selling cars are Petrol & Diesel Fueled.

  • 75% of cars are manual, and the remaining 25% are automatic gear cars.

  • More than 75% of cars handled by a single owner (First-Hand)
  • 15% of cars are second handed

2.6 Model Building

  • Before building the model, convert the categorical data into numerical categories for machines to understand using the sci-kit learn preprocessing LabelEncoder pre-defined function.

  • The Frequency distribution of each field data represents below.

  • Before training the model, we have to check the correlation between the dependent & independent variables.

    • Negatively co-related values will underfit the data, so check the model fitting procedure by dropping highly -vely related fields of data to achieve better accuracies.
    • By altering the dropping values of our Data we can conclude, by dropping Model Name & Transmission fields gives our model the best fir & validation accuracy
  • Fit the data using Random Forest Regressor & predict the values

3.1 Validating data on split training & testing data

  • Obtain the predicted values using model. Predict () function and store the values in a variable.
  • As the function is a regression model, r2_score will helps us find the accuracy of our model. Our model will be much accurate when the r2_score is nearer to 1.0

4.1 Conclusion

  • Random Forest Regressor gives best accurate model when compared with Linear & Decision Tree regressor.
  • Data Cleaning played a major role in achieving better accuracy
  • Visualizing Data helped us alot to identify the patterns of data
  • Removing the outliers increased the model accuracy by 10%, which is a huge improvement
  • Model is saved using Pickle library and can be used further on the other data that consists of 11 columns respectively.
  • Successfully obtained a RandomForestRegression model with 92% of accuracy from the data given.