
Simple compiler design and implementation

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



  • Pyenv for installing Python 3.11+
    • Recommended installation method: the "automatic installer" i.e. curl https://pyenv.run | bash
  • Poetry for installing dependencies
    • Recommended installation method: the "official installer" i.e. curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

Install dependencies:

# Install Python specified in `.python-version`
pyenv install
# Install dependencies specified in `pyproject.toml`
poetry install

If pyenv install gives an error about _tkinter, you can ignore it. If you see other errors, you may have to investigate.

If you have trouble with Poetry not picking up pyenv's python installation, try poetry env remove --all and then poetry install again.

Typecheck and run tests:

# or individually:
poetry run mypy .
poetry run pytest -vv

Run the compiler on a source code file:

./compiler.sh COMMAND path/to/source/code

where COMMAND may be one of these:

TODO(student): add more

IDE setup

Recommended VSCode extensions:

  • Python
  • Pylance
  • autopep8