
A small cricket-app, which lists near real-time scores for all the international/domestic matches going around the world. At the same time, it lists all the future matches/series going to take place in next 2 months.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a simple Cricket-application, which has the following features

  1. Display the real-time list of International, first-class and regional cricket matches which are going to take place in near future.
  2. A total of 125/126 matches will be displayed.
  3. Hardly 10 to 20 matches will have a status of matchStarted as "true", rest all will have matchStarted as "false".
  4. For the matches where the matchStarted is true, user will be able to view their real-time score summary - like scores of both the teams including all the innings played in the match.
  5. The winner information though the user has to find out from the score-summary, it doesn't come in the original JSON response.


This is entirely a spring-boot application. So as an user, you will need the following softwares installed in your machine

  1. Java 1.8
  2. Maven (for application build)
  3. A standard Java IDE (Eclipse or IntelliJ)

Steps to be followed to Use the App

  1. Download/Clone the project in your local machine. If you download, unzip and go the root directory; if you do a git-clone, clone and go to the project directory
  2. Run the following statements
  3. mvn clean install
  4. java -jar target/CricketApp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar (you can use tab key to get the jar file)
  5. Open http://localhost:5280/ in your browser (the application will run on port 5280)

Update as of July-2023

Cricapi.com api service has been deprecated, its moved to a new domain with a paid and free subscription concept, I will read and understand the updated apis and come back changing this space very soon. You can clone this project and build but it won't give you the right response. Please stay tuned and come back again after 2 months. Thanks.