The application has a basic CRUD feature implemented on a set of notes. In other words, an user can read/write/update and delete a note.
- Java 1.8
- Maven 3.5 or higher
- MySQL database to be installed (ver 5.7 or higher)
- Download the project, unzip and go to the root-directory of this unzipped folder.
- Install MySQL database-server on your machine, installer available at this link -
- Take a note of the root-password for your Mysql server.
- Replace the password in the file, and put as a value for "spring.datasource.password" field.
- Open a bash shell
- Run mvn clean install
- Run java -jar target/HomeLane-1.0.0.jar, you can press tab-key to select the proper file under "target/" folder , filename starts with Home
- The application will run on port 6280.
- Create Note :: /api/newnote/ Http-type = POST
- Select-All :: /api/allnotes/ Http-type = GET
- Select-By-Id :: /api/note/id/{id} Http-type = GET
- Select-By-Title :: /api/note/title/{title} Http-type = GET
- Select-By-Importance :: /api/note/level/{importance} Http-type = GET
- Update Note :: /api/allnotes/id/{noteId} Http-type = PUT
- Delete Note :: /api/note/id/{noteId} Http-type = DELETE