
This is a repo for module 1 challenge

Crowdfunding Analysis

The aim of this project is to analyze crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indigogo to make sound observations based on the data and help determine any trends to a successful campaign.

Additional Plots and Limitations

A pivot chart of columns with pledged amount per category filtered by year and country followed by a line chart to determine how many donations each category was able to raise over the years for each country would've been an excellent indication for users to know which category showed highest promise of being successful.

Adding the success percentage for each of the pivot tables would greatly help in determining the best campaigns in category, sub-category, outcomes based on launch date and outcomes based on goal amount.

Data is very limited with prime focus on US and a handful of countries. Accumulating more data on these campaigns globally would also be a good indicator of what campaigns move and generate most donations from public. Capturing the pulse of the donors for successful campaigns would also be a valuable addition to the dataset.

Statistical Analysis Observation

I think the Median value better summarizes the data, as it can be used to present the data as a normal distribution, with values of the dataset falling equally on both sides of the median.

We have a total of 565 successful campaigns based on backers count. Out of which 282 are less than 201 (median) and 283 are greater than 201 (median) which presents an equal distribution of the dataset.

We have a total of 364 failed campaigns based on backers count. Out of which, 181 are less than 114 (median) and 183 are more than 114 (median), which presents an equal distribution of the dataset.

I believe there is more or less equal variability with both successful and failed campaigns.

Observations Based on the Pivot Tables

From the Crowndfunding Based on Goal analysis, it can be determined that campaigns with goals, 15000 to 19999, 20000 to 24999 and 30000 to 34999 have a success rate of 100%, while campaigns with a goal amount >= 50000 USD have the least chance of succeeding at 37%

From the countries perspective, there are a total of 7 countries, with USA having the most number of crowdfunding campaigns and Switzerland (CH) having the least number of crowdfunding campaigns.

From Category and Sub-Category Analysis, in parent category, theatre campaigns are the highest in most countries and in sub-category, plays has by far the highest number campaigns in every country

From the Outcome Based on Launch Date Analysis, in the 10 years of data presented from 2010 to 2020, 57% campaigns were successful, 37% campaigns failed and 6% campaigns were cancelled

How to install and run the code

  1. Ensure the git link has the Crowdfunding_Analysis.xlsx excel workbook
  2. Git clone the link into your local repo
  3. Open the excel workbook using Excel program in your system
  4. Verify all computed additional columns, worksheets, pivot tables and charts are present


I've had a tutoring session, where the tutor pointed me to a youtube video that had the solution for the project, but it wasn't complete and I used it only to verify, my method of approach was correct. Additionally, I used the knowledge from the third class to compute the statistical analysis worksheet.







