
Mach4 CNC Machine Configuration Repository

Primary LanguageLua

Mach4Hobby - CNC Machine Configuration Repository

This is a repository for the Mach4 configurations used to control a 4ft x 4ft woodworking CNC mill. The project directory contains a .gitignore file that excludes all the following file types

  • Windows Executables (.exe)
  • Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll)
  • Icon Files (.ico)
  • Compiled Lua Scripts (.mcc)
  • Binary data files (.dat)

The following subdiretories are also excluded as they serve no purpose under version control

/Modules<All except desired>
/Profiles/<All except desired>
/Screens/<All except desired>

Avid CNC Z-Touch Plate UI Module

This branch contains a module named /Mach4Hobby/Modules/zTouchPlate.lua. This module implements a UI panel that will allow the user to auto zero the work coordinates of a part using the Z touch plate manufactured by cncrouterparts.com (a.k.a Avid CNC). This is an attempt to port the 'Auto Zero Tool' created by CNC Router Parts for Mach3 for use in Mach4.

Z-TouchPlate Module Installation Instructions

Complete the following steps to add the Z-Touch Plate UI to your Mach4 instance.

  • Create the following directory /Mach4Hobby/Modules/zTouchPlate to your Mach4 instance.
  • Cut/Paste or Download the zTouchPlate.lua file from this repository and place it in the directory you just created
  • Create a new panel within the Mach4 screen editor in which you want to add the UI.
  • Create a script for the panel you just created by
    • Selecting the newly created panel within the screen editor.
    • Click the Event icon in the Properties window, followed by the elipsis (...) on the 'script' property.
    • The ZeroBrane Studio script editor should open.
  • Copy the following code into the empty script.
    local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
    -- Load the zTouchPlate module
    local profile = mc.mcProfileGetName(inst)
    local path = mc.mcCntlGetMachDir(inst)
    package.path = path .. "\\Modules\\zTouchPlate\\?.lua;"
    package.loaded.zTouchPlate = nil
    local ztp = require "zTouchPlate"
    -- Load UI and code to implement this panel
  • Save the new script by clicking the save button.
  • Close the ZeroBrane Studio editor.
  • Exit edit mode by un-clicking the menu item Operator->Edit Screen