Liberty Restaurants

An advanced restaurant script for the QB Core Framework

Features :

  • Currently includes four restaurants with all custom items.
  • The four included restaurants are the Pop's Diner, uWu Cafe, Pizza This (all Gabbz MLOs), and BurgerShot (NAME OF MLO MAKER).
  • New restaurants easily added entirely in the config file.

How to Add a new Restaurant

Add the job to the Config.Jobs if utilizing the wholesale market shop.

Create the Cook, Prep, and Drink menus in the following ways, if needed, utilize the MiscMenu config setting for extras or create your own.

["location"] = {
        [1] = {
            Name = "Bacon Cheeseburger", --WHAT YOU WANT THE MENU TO SAY FOR THIS FOOD ITEM
            Text = "Bacon x 1, Cheeseburger x 1", --MENU TEXT FOR REQUIRED ITEMS
            RequiredItems = { --REQUIRED ITEM(S) TO COOK THIS FOOD
                [1] = { item = "bacon_item", amount = 1 }, -- REQUIRED ITEM AND AMOUNT
                [2] = { item = "cheeseburger_item", amount = 1 },
                [1] = { item = "bacon_cheeseburger_item", amount = 1 } --ITEM NAME AND AMOUNT
            time = 12000, --HOW LONG FOR PROGRESS BAR

How to set Locations

You will need to set the Grills(CookMenu), Drink(DrinkMenu), Prep(PrepMenu), and if used the Misc(MiscMenu) for each new location that you add. It is a box zone for QB-Target drawn from the config in the following way.

  [1] = {
          coords = vector3(X, Y, Z), --Vector 3 location of box zone
          length = 0.0, --Length of box zone
          width = 0.0, --width of box zone
          name = "name", --name of zone
          heading = 0.0, --heading
          debugPoly = false, --debugPoly, usually false.  Used to see the outline of the zone.
          minZ = 00.00, --minZ of box zone
          maxZ = 00.00, --maxZ of box zone
          job = "job", --job required to use target. Not required for pickups.
          location = "location", --location name of restaurant
          label = "Target Label", -- What the QB-Target text says. 

All Location utilize QB-Target in the same way, including stashes, registers, and pickups. Stashes and Pickups are done slightly different, with the following config file.

  [1] = {
          coords = vector3(X, Y, Z), --Vector 3 location of box zone
          length = 0.0, --Length of box zone
          width = 0.0, --width of box zone
          name = "name", --name of zone
          heading = 0.0, --heading
          debugPoly = false, --debugPoly, usually false.  Used to see the outline of the zone.
          minZ = 00.00, --minZ of box zone
          maxZ = 00.00, --maxZ of box zone
          job = "job", --job required to use target. Not required for pickups.
          location = "location", --location name of restaurant
          label = "Target Label", -- What the QB-Target text says.
          slots = 40, --For stashes we went 40, for pickups we went 5 by default.
          maxweight = 250000, --For stashes it is 250000 (2500), for pickups it is 10000 (10).

Add the following items to your QBCore Shared items.

-- Liberty Restaurants Items
    -- Wholesale Market Items
    	["whole-tomato"]  = {["name"] = "whole-tomato",  ["label"] = "Tomato",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "whole-tomato.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole tomato."},
        ["whole-lettuce"] = {["name"] = "whole-lettuce", ["label"] = "Lettuce", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "whole-lettuce.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole lettuce."},
        ["whole-potato"]  = {["name"] = "whole-potato",  ["label"] = "Potato",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "whole-potato.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole potato."},
        ["whole-apple-pie"]  = {["name"] = "whole-apple-pie",  ["label"] = "Apple Pie",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "whole-apple-pie.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole apple pie."},
        ["whole-peach-cobbler"]  = {["name"] = "whole-peach-cobbler",  ["label"] = "Peach Cobbler",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "whole-peach-cobbler.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole peach cobbler."},
        ["whole-coconut-cream-pie"]  = {["name"] = "whole-apple-pie",  ["label"] = "Coconut Cream Pie",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "whole-coconut-cream-pie.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole coconut cream pie."},
        ["soda-cup"]  = {["name"] = "soda-cup",  ["label"] = "Soda Cup",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "soda-cup.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A soda cup."},
        ["tea-cup"]  = {["name"] = "tea-cup",  ["label"] = "Tea Cup",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "tea-cup.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A tea cup."},
        ["coffee-cup"]  = {["name"] = "coffee-cup",  ["label"] = "Coffee Cup",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "coffee-cup.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A coffee cup."},
        ["soda-syrup"]  = {["name"] = "soda-syrup",  ["label"] = "Soda Syrup",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "soda-syrup.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Soda syrup."},
        ["slushie-syrup"]  = {["name"] = "slushie-syrup",  ["label"] = "Slushie Syrup",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "slushie-syrup.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Slushie syrup."},
        ["energy-shot"]  = {["name"] = "energy-shot",  ["label"] = "Energy Shot",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "energy-shot.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A shot of liquid energy."},
        ["green-tea-powder"]  = {["name"] = "green-tea-powder",  ["label"] = "Green Tea Powder",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "green-tea-powder.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Green tea powder."},
        ["tapioca-pearls"]  = {["name"] = "tapioca-pearls",  ["label"] = "Tapioca Pearls",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "tapioca-pearls.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Tapioca pearls."},
        ["half-pint-milk"]  = {["name"] = "half-pint-milk",  ["label"] = "Milk (Half Pint)",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "half-pint-milk.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A half pint of milk."},
        ["chocolate-powder"]  = {["name"] = "chocolate-powder",  ["label"] = "Chocolate Powder",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "chocolate-powder.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Chocolate powder."},
        ["pint-ice-cream"]  = {["name"] = "pint-ice-cream",  ["label"] = "Pint of Ice Cream",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pint-ice-cream.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Pint of vanilla ice cream."},
        ["coffee-grounds"]  = {["name"] = "coffee-grounds",  ["label"] = "Coffee Grounds",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "coffee-grounds.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Coffee grounds."},
        ["egg"]  = {["name"] = "egg",  ["label"] = "Egg",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "egg.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "An egg."},
        ["beef-steak"]  = {["name"] = "beef-steak",  ["label"] = "Beef Steak",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "beef-steak.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A beef steak."},
        ["burger-meat"]  = {["name"] = "burger-meat",  ["label"] = "Burget Meat",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burger-meat.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A beef burger patty."},
        ["burger-bun"]  = {["name"] = "burger-bun",  ["label"] = "Burger Buns",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burger-bun.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Some burger buns."},
        ["loaf-of-bread"]  = {["name"] = "loaf-of-bread",  ["label"] = "Loaf of Bread",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "loaf-of-bread.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A loaf of bread."},
        ["bag-of-rice"]  = {["name"] = "bag-of-rice",  ["label"] = "Bag of Rice",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "bag-of-rice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A bag of dry rice."},
        ["seaweed-strip"]  = {["name"] = "seaweed-strip",  ["label"] = "Seaweed Strip",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "seaweed-strip.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A strip of dry edible seaweed."},
        ["sushi-grade-salmon"]  = {["name"] = "sushi-grade-salmon",  ["label"] = "Sushi Grade Salmon",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "sushi-grade-salmon.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Sushi grade salmon"},
        ["pizza-dough"]  = {["name"] = "pizza-dough",  ["label"] = "Pizza Dough",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizza-dough.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Raw pizza dough."},
        ["cooking-spices"]  = {["name"] = "cooking-spices",  ["label"] = "Assorted Spices",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cooking-spices.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Assorted cooking spices."},
        ["raw-bacon"]  = {["name"] = "raw-bacon",  ["label"] = "Raw Bacon",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "raw-bacon.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Raw bacon strips."},
        ["blank-cupcake"]  = {["name"] = "blank-cupcake",  ["label"] = "Blank Cupcake",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "blank-cupcake.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A blank cupcake."},
        ["pink-icing"]  = {["name"] = "pink-icing",  ["label"] = "Pink Icing",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pink-icing.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Some pink icing."},
        ["red-icing"]  = {["name"] = "red-icing",  ["label"] = "Red Icing",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "red-icing.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Some red icing."},
        ["blue-icing"]  = {["name"] = "blue-icing",  ["label"] = "Blue Icing",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "blue-icing.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Some blue icing."},
        ["green-icing"]  = {["name"] = "green-icing",  ["label"] = "Green Icing",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "green-icing.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Some green icing"},
        ["sprinkles"]  = {["name"] = "sprinkles",  ["label"] = "Sprinkles",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "sprinkles.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A pack of sprinkles"},    
        ["pineapple"]  = {["name"] = "pineapple",  ["label"] = "Pineapple",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pineapple.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A pineapple"},    
        ["pepperoni-stick"]  = {["name"] = "pepperoni-stick",  ["label"] = "Pepperoni Stick",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pepperoni-stick.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A stick of pepperoni."},    
        ["packaged-ham"]  = {["name"] = "packaged-ham",  ["label"] = "Packaged Ham",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "packaged-ham.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A package of ham."},    
        ["mozzarella-cheese"]  = {["name"] = "mozzarella-cheese",  ["label"] = "Mozzarella Cheese",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "mozzarella-cheese.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Mozzarella cheese block."},    
        ["butter-stick"]  = {["name"] = "butter-stick",  ["label"] = "Butter Stick",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "butter-stick.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Stick of butter."},    

    -- Prep Items
        ["tomato-slice"]  = {["name"] = "tomato-slice",  ["label"] = "Tomato Slices",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "tomato-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Slices of tomato."},
        ["lettuce-slice"]  = {["name"] = "lettuce-slice",  ["label"] = "Lettuce Slices",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "lettuce-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Slices of lettuce."},
        ["pops-hashbrowns"]  = {["name"] = "pops-hashbrowns",  ["label"] = "Hashbrowns",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pops-hashbrowns.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Hashbrowns."},
        ["bread-slice"]  = {["name"] = "bread-slice",  ["label"] = "Sliced Bread",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "bread-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Two slices of bread."},
        ["pizzathis-secret-sauce"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-secret-sauce",  ["label"] = "Pizza This Secret Sauce",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-secret-sauce.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Pizza This secret sauce (shh)."},        
        ["pizzathis-cheese-pizza"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-cheese-pizza",  ["label"] = "Cheese Pizza",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-cheese-pizza.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole cheese pizza."},
        ["pizzathis-pepperoni-pizza"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-pepperoni-pizza",  ["label"] = "Pepperoni Pizza",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-pepperoni-pizza.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole pepperoni pizza."},
        ["pizzathis-hawaiian-pizza"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-hawaiian-pizza",  ["label"] = "Hawaiian Pizza",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-hawaiin-pizza.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A whole Hawaiian pizza."},
        ["pizzathis-pineapple-slice"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-pineapple-slice",  ["label"] = "Pineapple Slices",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-pineapple-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Pineapple slices."},    
        ["pizzathis-ham-slice"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-ham-slice",  ["label"] = "Ham Slices",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-ham-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Ham slices."},    
        ["pizzathis-pepperoni-slice"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-pepperoni-slice",  ["label"] = "Pepperoni Slices",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-pepperoni-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Pepperoni slices."},    
        ["uwu-cup-rice"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-cup-rice",  ["label"] = "Cup of Rice",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-cup-rice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A cup of rice."},    
        ["cheese-slice"]  = {["name"] = "cheese-slice",  ["label"] = "Cheese Slice",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cheese-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Slice of cheese."},
        ["burgershot-cut-fries"]  = {["name"] = "burgershot-cut-fries",  ["label"] = "Fry Cut Potato",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burgershot-cut-fries.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A potato cut into sticks to fry."},
    -- Consumable Food Items
      -- Pops Diner
        ["pops-soda"]  = {["name"] = "pops-soda",  ["label"] = "Pop\'s Soda",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pops-soda.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A refreshing Pop\'s soda."},
        ["pops-coffee"]  = {["name"] = "pops-coffee",  ["label"] = "Pop\'s Coffee",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pops-coffee.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A cup of Pop\'s coffee."},
        ["pops-chocolate-malt"]  = {["name"] = "pops-chocolate-malt",  ["label"] = "Chocolate Malt",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pops-chocolate-malt.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A chocolate malt."},
        ["pops-burger"]  = {["name"] = "pops-burger",  ["label"] = "Pop\'s Burger",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pops-burger.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A Pop\'s burger."},
        ["pops-breakfast"]  = {["name"] = "pops-breakfast",  ["label"] = "Pop\'s Breakfast",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pops-breakfast.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A Pop\'s breakfast platter."},
        ["pops-blt"]  = {["name"] = "pops-blt",  ["label"] = "Pop\'s BLT",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pops-blt.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A Pop\'s BLT."},
        ["apple-pie-slice"]  = {["name"] = "apple-pie-slice",  ["label"] = "Apple Pie Slice",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "apple-pie-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A slice of apple pie."},
        ["peach-cobbler-slice"]  = {["name"] = "peach-cobbler-slice",  ["label"] = "Peach Cobbler Slice",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "peach-cobbler-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A slice of peach cobbler."},
        ["coconut-cream-slice"]  = {["name"] = "coconut-cream-slice",  ["label"] = "Coconut Cream Slice",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "coconut-cream-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A slice of coconut cream pie."},        
      -- uWu Cafe
        ["uwu-pink-uwucake"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-pink-uwucake",  ["label"] = "uWucake",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-pink-uwucake.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A pink uWucake."},
        ["uwu-red-uwucake"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-red-uwucake",  ["label"] = "uWucake",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-red-uwucake.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A red uWucake."},
        ["uwu-blue-uwucake"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-blue-uwucake",  ["label"] = "uWucake",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-blue-uwucake.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A blue uWucake."},
        ["uwu-green-uwucake"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-green-uwucake",  ["label"] = "uWucake",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-green-uwucake.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A green uWucake."},
        ["uwu-uwutea"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-uwutea",  ["label"] = "uWu Tea",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-uwutea.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "uWu tea with tapioca pearls."},
        ["uwu-kumbuwucha-tea"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-kumbuwucha-tea",  ["label"] = "KumbuWucha Tea",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-kumbuwucha-tea.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "KumbuWucha tea."},
        ["uwu-uwutea-milk"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-uwutea-milk",  ["label"] = "uWu Tea with Milk",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-uwutea-milk.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "uWu tea with tapioca pearls and milk."},
        ["uwu-suwushi"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-suwushi",  ["label"] = "SuWushi",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-suwushi.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Salmon suWushi rolls."},
        ["uwu-uwurice"]  = {["name"] = "uwu-uwurice",  ["label"] = "uWurice",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "uwu-uwurice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Plate of uWurice."},
      -- Pizza This 
        ["pizzathis-garlic-bread"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-garlic-bread",  ["label"] = "Garlic Bread",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "garlic-bread.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A slice of garlic bread."},
        ["pizzathis-soda"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-soda",  ["label"] = "Pizza This Soda",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-soda.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Pizza This soda."},
        ["pizzathis-energy"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-energy",  ["label"] = "Pizza This Energy",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-energy.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Pizza This Energy"},
        ["pizzathis-slushie"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-slushie",  ["label"] = "Pizza This Slushie",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-slushie.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Pizza This Slushie"},
        ["pizzathis-cheese-slice"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-cheese-slice",  ["label"] = "Slice of Cheese Pizza",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-cheese-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Slice of cheese pizza."},
        ["pizzathis-pepperoni-slice"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-pepperoni-slice",  ["label"] = "Slice of Pepperoni Pizza",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-pepperoni-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Slice of pepperoni pizza."},
        ["pizzathis-hawaiian-slice"]  = {["name"] = "pizzathis-hawaiian-slice",  ["label"] = "Slice of Hawaiian Pizza",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pizzathis-pepperoni-slice.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Slice of Hawaiian pizza."},
      -- Burgershot
        ["burgershot-heartstopper"]  = {["name"] = "burgershot-heartstopper",  ["label"] = "Heartstopper",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burgershot-heartstopper.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "It won\'t kill you. Probably."},
        ["burgershot-bleeder"]  = {["name"] = "burgershot-bleeder",  ["label"] = "Bleeder",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burgershot-bleeder.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A Burgershot bleeder."},
        ["burgershot-moneyshot"]  = {["name"] = "burgershot-moneyshot",  ["label"] = "Moneyshot",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burgershot-moneyshot.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Don\'t forget to clean up."},
        ["burgershot-soda"]  = {["name"] = "burgershot-soda",  ["label"] = "Burgershot Soda",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burgershot-soda.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A refreshing Burgershot soda."},
        ["burgershot-chocolate-meteorite"]  = {["name"] = "burgershot-chocolate-meteorite",  ["label"] = "Chocolate Meteorite",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burgershot-chocolate-meteorite.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A chunk of frozen chocolate icecream."},
        ["burgershot-vanilla-meteorite"]  = {["name"] = "burgershot-vanilla-meteorite",  ["label"] = "Vanilla Meteorite",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burgershot-vanilla-meteorite.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A chunk of frozen vanilla icecream."},
        ["burgershot-french-fries"]  = {["name"] = "burgershot-french-fries",  ["label"] = "French Fries",  ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "burgershot-french-fries.png",  ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Delicious fried sticks of potato."},
### Add to DPEmotes for the animation.

   ["cokecut"] = {"anim@amb@business@coc@coc_unpack_cut@", "fullcut_cycle_v1_cokecutter", "Coke Cut", AnimationOptions =
       EmoteLoop = true,