Q# compiler

this is a tool for compileling MicroSoft Q# programs using DOTNET


clone the repo into a codespace
to build the envioment run

sh runner.sh

you will only need to run this program once so it will delete after running it

Random Number example

the random number example to run it use dotnet run
it will build and run the Qrng.qs file which is Q# program for generating a random number
it get random values from the q# program but the c# programs puts them together into a denary number becuse q# lacks some of the tools to reason desgin it without c#

entaglement example

To enable entanglement, Q# provides the CNOT operation, which stands for Controlled-NOT. The result of running this operation on two qubits is to flip the second qubit if the first qubit is One.

Writing Your Own Code

cd qrng
then open the Qrng.qs file to edit your code then run dotnet run to build and run it
Note: it will take some time to build for the first time

API Reference/Learning resources
