
A lightweight remote linux process execution server-side library and client CLI with a strong focus on TLS security.

Primary LanguageRust

RLW - Remote Linux Worker

A remote linux process execution library and gRPC server.

RLW exposes two sub-libraries:

  1. rlwp - Remote Linux Worker Processor: an interface that allows users to start, stop, stream, and get the status of linux process jobs.
  2. server - An all-included gRPC server to expose the above functionality to a client. The server provides the following:
    • An API to handle jobs. The api protobuf specification can be found in proto/service.proto.
    • A secure mTLS configuration.
    • Client authorization.


An example client / server implementation can be found in remote-linux-worker/examples.


Start the server with cargo run --bin rlw-server. In a separate window / tab use the below command to start a job (run stream_job.sh) and pipe the UUID to the stream command to get the output:

cargo run --bin rlw-client start /bin/bash ./stream_job.sh | xargs -I {} cargo run --bin rlw-client stream "{}"


To start the server, run:

cargo run --bin rlw-server

Logging is used, so ensure $RUST_LOG is set to info to see the full log output.


The following are a set of example commands used to interact with the server. To see the full CLI specification, first build the examples, then run.

cargo run --bin rlw-client --help

cargo run rlw-client {subcommand} --help

The commands below are prefaced with cargo run --bin. If you would prefer to run the binary directly (much faster), copy examples/target/debug/rlw-client to the root project directory and use that instead.

Start Job

Run a script:

cargo run --bin rlw-client start /bin/bash ./stream_job.sh

All jobs will run from the tests/test_env/ directory. This will later be configurable.

Run a command:

cargo run --bin rlw-client start echo hello world

Start job will return a job UUID. It is the client's responsibility to store this for future commands.

Stop Job

cargo run --bin rlw-client stop {UUID} 

A job can be forcefully shutdown with:

cargo run --bin rlw-client stop -f {UUID} 

Stream Job

To obtain the history and live output of a job run:

cargo run --bin rlw-client stream {UUID} 

Job Status

To get the job status (Running, Exited with Code or Exited with Signal), run:

cargo run --bin rlw-client status {UUID} 


To run the library unit tests:

cargo test