
A place for managed crane plugins to live happily

This repository contains manifests files for different plugins containing some metadata for the plugin and location of a binary file for appropriate os/arch.

This repository should be used as an example of how a plugin-index repository for custom plugins should look like.


  1. At the root of this repository there is a index.yml file that contains information about where the manifest files are located. Below is an the format of the index.yml file:

    <plugin_name-version> : <raw-url>
    <plugin_name-version> : <raw-url>

    Note: the location (url) of the respective manifest file of a plugin should be http accessible url to make sure the file can be retrieved via a Get call.

  2. There is plugins directory at the root where all the plugin-manifest files are located.

    A plugin manifest file should be named - <plugin_name-version.yml>.

    A plugin manifest file should be formatted in the following manner.

        name: <plugin-name>
        shortDescription: <short description>
        description: <description>
        version: <version>
        - optionalFields:
            flagName: <flag-name>
            help: <help-message>
            example: <example>
        - os: <os name>
          arch: <arch>
          uri: <uri of binary>
          sha: <sha of binary>
        - os: <os name>
          arch: <arch>
          uri: <uri of binary>
          sha: <sha of binary>