
Student/topic grouping simple console application

Primary LanguageC#

Welcome to my readme file.

This is a sorting application

This application allows the user to upload data from local storage (txt) and use that information to sort it randomly between groups and topics. -Program


  • This App runs on dotnet, make sure you have installed the latest version of C# dotnet.
  • When the application runs using the command dotnet run it will demand 3 things.
    1. The route for the txt file where the students list is written (one student per line, no empty spaces).
    2. The route for the txt file where the topics list is written (one topic per line, no empty spaces.)
    3. The ammount in numbers (int) of groups you want to sort the students in.
  • After sending the 3 inputs the App is going to randomly sort the students for you in the ammount of groups specificated. Note: whenever the program is unable to sort in equal groups, it is going to randomly send the remaining values into random existing groups.