
CLI task manager to keep track of small tasks

Primary LanguagePython

Authenticator and Task Manager!

Video Demo: link


Two Menus for the Project


Program Description

The provided Python program is a task management system that allows users to create, manage, and track their tasks. It uses SQLite for data storage and manipulation, and incorporates a command-line interface for interaction. Below is a detailed description of the program's key components and functionalities:

  1. Libraries Used:

    • tabulate: This library is used for formatting data in tabular form, making it easier for users to read and interact with the tasks.
  2. Classes:

    • task_manager: This class represents a user's task management system. It contains methods for adding, removing, rescheduling, and marking tasks as done. It also provides statistics on the user's tasks.
  3. Attributes of task_manager:

    • name and password: These attributes represent the username and password associated with the user's task manager.
    • tasks: This is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a task. Each task contains information about the task name, priority, and due date.
    • completed_tasks and pending_tasks: These attributes keep track of the number of completed and pending tasks respectively.
    • db_file_name: This attribute holds the name of the SQLite database file associated with the user.
  4. Methods of task_manager:

    • __init__(self, name, password): Initializes a new instance of task_manager. It checks if a database file for the user already exists and loads tasks if available.
    • __str__(self): Returns a formatted string representation of the tasks, sorted by priority.
    • add_task(self, task): Adds a new task to the user's task list and updates the database.
    • remove_task(self, task_name): Removes a task from the user's task list and updates the database.
    • reschedule_task(self, task_name, new_due_date): Updates the due date of a task and modifies the database accordingly.
    • mark_as_done(self, task): Marks a task as done, updates task counts, and removes it from the task list.
    • stats: Provides statistics on the user's tasks, including the number of completed and pending tasks.
  5. Global Variables:

    • users: A list to store user information.
    • classes: A dictionary that maps usernames to their respective task_manager instances.
    • current_user: A string representing the currently logged-in user.
  6. Authentication and User Management:

    • authenticator(): Authenticates a user by verifying their username and password against the stored information in the database.
    • option_menu_user(): Displays the menu for user-related operations and returns the chosen option.
    • add_user(): Adds a new user, creates a corresponding task_manager instance, and stores the user's information in the database.
    • remove_user(): Removes a user, deletes their database file, and updates the user list.
  7. Task Management:

    • option_menu_task_manager(): Displays the menu for task-related operations and returns the chosen option.
    • Methods like add_task(), remove_task(), mark_as_done(), reschedule_task(), display_stats(), and display_all_tasks() perform various task management operations.
  8. Unused Functions:

    • unused_fun(i): A placeholder function.
    • unused_fun1(j): Another placeholder function.
  9. Execution:

    • The program's main entry point is the main() function. It initiates the user interaction by presenting options for creating a new user, removing a user, or signing in to an existing account.
  10. Error Handling:

    • The program includes basic error handling for incorrect inputs (e.g., ValueError) and password validation.
  11. Database Handling:

    • The program uses SQLite to create and manage databases for users and their respective tasks.
  12. Exiting the Program:

    • If an invalid option is selected, the program exits with a message thanking the user for visiting.

Overall, this program provides a flexible and organized platform for users to manage their tasks efficiently, with persistent data storage using SQLite. It employs a command-line interface, making it accessible and easy to use for a wide range of users.

Features of Authenticator:

1. Add user
2. Remove user
3. Login to existing account

Features of task manager:

1. Add task
2. Remove task
3. Reschedule task
4. Mark task as done
5. Display every task
6. Display stats for tasks completed and tasks pending