The website

This is the repository of the website.

Contribution Guide


Getting Started

It is recommended that you utilise Python's http server to serve this website on your localhost.

Follow this guide to set up Python's http server on your computer.

  • The website is to be served from the docs/ directory.
  • index.html will serve as the entry point.

Run the following commands to start the server and serve the website on your localhost:

# Assuming you are already in the project directory
cd docs

# For Python version 3.X
# Assuming python executable is globally available
python -m http.server

# For Python version 2.X
# Assuming python executable is globally available
python -m SimpleHTTPServer


The Website utilises Mustache

You will need to install the same using the following command (A Global Installation):

npm install -g mustache

or using

make dependencies

Making Changes

  • You are NOT supposed to directly change the .html files.
  • Instead, make edits in corresponding .html.mustache file present inside pages/ directory.
  • You can directly change a stylesheet. Stylesheets are present in /docs/styles/.
  • partials/ directory contains the HTML that is common across all the pages. Like: Header, Footer, etc.


After making the desired changes to .html.mustache, you will need to build the .html so that, they can reflect the changes that you have made.

Run the following command(s) while in root directory of the PROJECT:

  • Building Process requires mustache to be installed.
  • Each .html.mustache file in the pages/ directory will result in a .html file in docs/ directory.

Important Information

Conversion of GIF to mp4

The moving images are GIF(s) that have been converted to mp4(s) to keep the size of the page down.

  • ffmpeg has been used to make this conversion.
ffmpeg -i file-name.gif -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" -b:v 500k file-name.mp4

Legal Information

Copyright © 2019-2020 The Radicle Foundation