
Command line search and replace over an entire directory written in Python

Primary LanguagePython


REplace seArCHED - Commandline search and replace over an entire directory

I originally wrote this about five years ago and then forgot about it, but just recently I needed to go through and search/replace a large body of code and this just happened to be in an old Dropbox folder, so I've pulled it out, dusted it off, and cleaned it up a bit, and now I'm putting it on Github so I'll remember it exists in the future.


Use pip:

$ pip install git+https://github.com/Jaymon/reached#egg=reached

You could also just clone the repo and run, in the repo directory:

$ python setup.py install

as described here


After installation, you should be able to use this on the command line using:

$ reached --find=<FIND REGEX> --replace=<REPLACE TEXT> --dir=/path/to/search

You can also invoke it with a gui if you have TKinter Python bindings installed

$ reached --gui

It will fail spectacularly if you don't have the TKinter modules installed. The GUI also doesn't have the capability to set flags like ignore case, etc.

See all the options:

$ reached --help


Let's say you have a folder of 500 python files and you have changed a module's name from foo to bar, so you need to change all import foo statements to import bar statements, you can do that by running:

$ reached --find=foo --replace=bar --dir=/path/to/folder

Reached will prompt for each replacement, so you don't have to worry about it changing something you didn't mean to change.

Now, let's say that just searching for foo was too broad, --find can use any supported regex that Python's re module uses, so let's say you instead wanted to only find foo's that are preceded by a space and followed by a period:

$ reached --find="(?<=\s)foo\." --replace="foo." --ext=py --dir=./
