🧑‍💻 Blog-O-Tech 🧑‍💻

A simple central hub for communing with techies



Built with the tech-savvy and knowledge-hungry in mind, Blog-O-Tech is a discussion board for all things tech-related.


Table of Contents

(Internal navigation links)

Note: The click-through links contained within the discussion sections may send you to an external site.


Entering the discussion

  • The user enters personal credentials to securely create an account.
  • The user who has already created an account enters their email and password to login to the application.
  • Once securely logged in, the user is presented with the homepage which includes posts made by any and all users previously.
  • The user may click on the profile link to be taken to a page with information and posts unique to the user's account.
  • At the home page, the user clicks the "create new post" button to be presented with a form page for a new blog post. The user enters a name and body for the post and clicks submit, and the user's post is populated onto the homepage along with the posts of all other users.


(Under the Hood)
Built using Model-View-Controller design architecture, this application makes use of the following technologies:

  • Uses bcrypt npm package to hash passwords and enable authenticated sessions to protect user credentials.
  • Uses Express.js to engineer controllers to manage communication between front and back end.
  • Uses Sequelize Object-Relational-Mapping package through Node.js to model database objects transported by Express.
  • Uses Handlebars.js through NPM to render views with dynamic data.


Check it out

Signup Page

Home Page

New Post


Contributions |&&| Honorable Mentions

SMU Coding Boot Camp, for valuable knowledge and support.
The developers at Express.js, Node.js, and Sequelize ... you are awesome!

  • LIVE

The App in its natural state

Blog-O-Tech Deployed

About the Creator

Joshua Newell Diehl

is a budding developer currently based in Ft Worth, Texas. He enjoys coding, long romantic hours dead asleep, walks with his dog Margot, and creepily referring to himself in third person.

Here are a few of his favorite technologies at the moment:

And here is where you can reach him || review the work he's been doing:


~ Let's build something awesome.