
Built a script to analyze financial records from a bank and to help modernize a rural town vote-counting process.

Libraries used

import os

import csv

Summary of Dataset

The financial dataset called budget_data.csv is composed of two columns: "Date" and "Profit/Losses".

Whereas, the poll data called election_data.csv comprised of three columns namely: "Voter ID", "County", and "Candidate".

Both datasets are delimited by commas


Below are some scripts used for the vote-counting analysis:

iterate through each row in data to count total votes and grep a list of candidates

  for row in csvreader:

      #count the total votes
      total_votes += 1

      #list of candidates

iterate through the list of candidates, store unique names in a dictionary and corresponding votes

 for i in range(len(candidate_list)):
    #create a key for each candidate to store votes casted
    if (candidate_list[i]) not in candidate_names:
        #assign a value of zero to each key (i.e., candidate)
        candidate_votes[candidate_list[i]] = 0

    #add a value of 1 to each vote counted
    candidate_votes[candidate_list[i]] = candidate_votes[candidate_list[i]] + 1  

export summary of results to a text file

  #text file with results from analysis
with open(os.path.join("analysis", "Summary.txt"), "w") as txtfile:
    txtfile.write("Election Results" + "\n")
    txtfile.write("-------------------------------------" + "\n")
    txtfile.write("Total Votes:" + " " + str(total_votes) + "\n")
    txtfile.write("-------------------------------------" + "\n")

    #simultaneously iterate each through candidate votes and percentage
    for (candidate,votepercent) in zip(candidate_votes,votepercent_list):

        #print each unique candidate, their votes and vote percent
        txtfile.write(str(candidate)+":" + " "+ str(votepercent) + "%" + " "+ "("+ str(candidate_votes[candidate]) +             ")" + "\n")

    #write to text file the winner
    txtfile.write("-------------------------------------" + "\n")
    txtfile.write("Winner:" + " " + str(winner_name) + "\n")
    txtfile.write("-------------------------------------" + "\n")


Data for this dataset was generated by edX Boot Camps LLC, and is intended for educational purposes only.