
The aim of this project was to create a script using VBA that loops through all multi-year stocks (each year in a separate worksheet).

Primary LanguageVBScript



The aim of this challenge was to create a script using VBA that loops through all multi-year stocks (each year in a separate worksheet)...


The outputs for this challenge includes a summary table showing:

i) each unique ticker id across rows using the script below:
For i = 2 To lRow
'If next cell is not equal to preceding then...
 If ws.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value <> ws.Cells(i, 1).Value Then
    'retrieve the preceding cell value
     closingPrice = ws.Cells(i, 3)
    'store the preceding cell text (i.e., ticker label) in desired cell
     ws.Range("I" & selectrow).Value = ws.Cells(i, 1).Value
ii) other corresponding informations such as the yearly change for the opening price, percentage change from the opening price and the total stock volume for each ticker

A functionality was added to retrieve the stock with the "Greatest % increase", "Greatest % decrease", and "Greatest total volume":

        'Calculate the stock with the greatest increase, greatest decrease and greatest total volume
          For i = 2 To lRow_summary

          'Set variables to hold values
            MaxPrice = WorksheetFunction.Max(ws.Range("K2" & ":" & "K" & lRow_summary))
            MinPrice = WorksheetFunction.Min(ws.Range("K2" & ":" & "K" & lRow_summary))
            MaxVolume = WorksheetFunction.Max(ws.Range("L2" & ":" & "L" & lRow_summary))

          'Return the adjacent row to the specified cell
            'Greatest % Increase
              If ws.Cells(i, 11) = MaxPrice Then
                 ws.Range("P2").Value = MaxPrice
                 ws.Range("O2").Value = ws.Cells(i, 9)
              End If
            'Greatest % Decrease
               If ws.Cells(i, 11) = MinPrice Then
                 ws.Range("P3").Value = MinPrice
                 ws.Range("O3").Value = ws.Cells(i, 9)
              End If
            'Greatest total volume
              If ws.Cells(i, 12) = MaxVolume Then
                 ws.Range("P4").Value = MaxVolume
                 ws.Range("O4").Value = ws.Cells(i, 9)
              End If
          'set the title parameters
              ws.Range("N2").Value = "Greatest % Increase"
              ws.Range("N3").Value = "Greatest % Decrease"
              ws.Range("N4").Value = "Greatest Total Volume"

            Next i

A reset function was also included to easily clear the summary table in one click using the script:

    Sub reset():
    'set the summary table to blank
    For Each wsSummary In Worksheets
        wsSummary.Range("I:I").Value = ""
        wsSummary.Range("J:J").Value = ""
        wsSummary.Range("K:K").Value = ""
        wsSummary.Range("L:L").Value = ""
        wsSummary.Range("N1:P4").Value = ""
    'Format yearly price summary color
        wsSummary.Range("J:J").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
     Next wsSummary

A snapshot of the final result showing the summary table is presented below:

All stocks with a yearly change less than 0 are formatted to red while those greater than 0 are formatted green.



Data for this dataset was generated by edX Boot Camps LLC, and is intended for educational purposes only.