- Neumorphic App Design
- Automated Setup
- Automated File Management
- Upload Files
- Delete Files
- Share Files
- Download Files
- Search Files
- Apply File Type Filter (with extended search mode)
- Authentication using GitHub REST API
Basically, this program creates a new repo called my-git-drive in your account and uses it for performing file related git operations. This program has nothing to do with other repositories in your account or collecting user info. You can even go through the source code, it's pure.
This program is solely written to be able to use GitHub as an instant dropbox.
icons8.com - All the colored icons and even the app icon belongs to icons8.com. It's a fascinating icon store.
The opensource family of these dart packages that made this project a reality
shared_preferences: ^2.0.15
lottie: ^1.4.3
github: ^9.6.0
file_picker: ^5.2.2
fluttertoast: ^8.1.1
flutter_downloader: ^1.9.1
path_provider: ^2.0.11
text_scroll: ^0.1.0
url_launcher: ^6.1.6
flutter_native_splash: ^2.2.14
And also to me 😁 @omegaui
- Does this App collects user info?
No! Never.
- Does this App have any hidden pricing?
No! This program is entirely free, it doesn't charge even a penny for anything. This program is Licensed under GNU GPL v3
- Is there an iOS version?
I don't have any iOS device to compile the App, if you have you can fork it, and Of Course, contributions are always welcome.
- Is there any web version available?