Greetings! I'm Jay Trivedi, a tech explorer voyaging through the captivating realm of Computer Science at Symbiosis Institute of Technology, where I'm currently
Pune , INDIA
Jayu1214's Followers
- RISHIK2006Symbiosis Institute of Technology
- jonkiratheMbid
- Ishaan453
- Abhishek-2502Symbiosis International University
- parthsantosh2411Symbiosis Institute of Technology
- manav4499Scarborough , Canada
- mathur-mahika
- DhrumilDave5
- Malvericus
- Miran-FirdausiSymbiosis Institute of Technology
- AtharvRaje33Symbiosis institute of technology
- pranav-suri
- PranavGitHubAccPune, India
- YogitaBeniwal
- kev0-4
- mihirhebalkarPune
- Dhairya-A-MehraSymbiosis Institute of Technology
- MatricalDefunktIndia
- onkar69483
- rutubhanderi
- jayg2309Symbiosis Institute of Technology
- aprajitapandeyxcghdPune, India