This repository will be used by applicants that wants to cooperate with Morwi Encoders, to upload the results of the technical evaluation, through a pull request (PR)
Make a fork of this repository with your Github account, and complete the problems in the Technical test.
NOTE: Your PR will be tested by travis using python unittest, flake8 and pylint.
You can install with next commands:
# apt-get install pylint python-flake8
You can execute test locally with next commands:
cd tech-test/
flake8 . && echo $? # python guidelines
pylint --rcfile=.pylint.cfg *.py && echo $? # python guidelines
python2.7 && echo $? # Execute unittest for python
If exit with 0 (zero) each command and don't show errors your code is very good!
NOTE2: Your PR will test postgres script too. You can execute this test locally with next commands:
createdb employee_employee -U postgres # create database (First remove if exists with "dropdb employee_employee")
cd tech-test/
PGPORT=5432 psql -d employee_employee -U postgres -h localhost -a -f ./employee.sql # Execute sql file.
PGHOST=localhost PGPORT=5432 PG_USER='postgres' python ./ && echo $? # Execute unittest for postgresql.
If exit with 0 (zero) last command and don't show errors your code is very good!