Neovim Configuration

Literally just my config for neovim. Feel free to steal, there aren't many weird keybinds.

Place in .config/nvim to use

(idk the windows/mac locations)

Remember to go to packer.lua and run :PackerSync to install plugins

Copilot has a few quirks I still need to iron out. I'm using <C-_> for completion but I'd recommend changing that if you're sane. Or just remove copilot from packer.lua

L(eader) is set to spacebar, change this in remap.lua if you don't want that

Useful binds to know:

  • L-pv : File view

  • L-pf : Fuzzy find files

  • L-a : Harpoon mark file

  • C-e : Check/edit harpoon marks

  • C-h,j,k,l : Instantly move to harpoon files

As always, :x or :q! to exit nvim :)