Weekend Five Challenge - What is it?

Base -Multiple views - angular routing --about --add pet --view pets -Pet Schema --name (string) --animal type (string -> enum?) --age (number) --image - url (string - path)

-Hard --id pet on the DOM and delete it

-Pro --angular filtering --filter alphabetically by name --toggle on and off

-Step --Committing after each step

-BACK END --init git, gitignore, file structure, npm file structure --server listening --server returning the index.html in an index router. --GET / - serves the index.html --what routes? --GET pets - returns all pets --POST pets - creates a new pet --get these routes logging in a pet router --mongoose model --require the model --add connection string --store some dummy data --wire up the GET pets --get the POST pets working and test

-FRONT END --src angular and client side js --in one view get all animals showing and style a bit --add form - with drop down populated from db --wire up form --npm install and vendor angular route --add angular routing --get three views working with client side routing --how not to refresh --load enum from db

-Technology --MEAN ( mongo, mongoose, express, node, angular) --body-parser