Pony Release Process


  • Be able to release a version of Pony compiler quickly and easily.
  • Release ponyc more often.

Release process

  • There is a dedicated branch in ponyc repo for each major version of the compiler.
  • Each time a commit is push on these branch it triggers a Travis job that try to build a version of ponyc for each latest linux OS families (archlinux, fedora, debian).
  • Build are done in a docker container for Linux.
  • If a commit with name Pony Release X.X.X is push on these branch it will build and release ponyc and push the packages on github release page.


  • Improve error messages at for release script
  • Do the same for windows and OS X but without the docker container.
  • Push ponyc builded on OS repository (brew, chocolatey, nuget, apt, pacman, dnf).
  • Try to build a ponyc version package for other platform I386, ARM ?