Ruby SDK for the API
To make API requests, register for an account at to receive a developer key and the shared secret you'll use with the key to sign requests.
Gem dependencies are managed with Bundler. Install them like so:
$ bundle install
require 'outside_in'
OutsideIn.key = 'faffledweomercraft'
OutsideIn.secret = 'deadbeef'
OutsideIn.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG # defaults to WARN
# find locations by name
# returns a hash:
# * total - the total number of matched stories
# * locations - the array of matched locations up to the specified limit (default 10)
data = OutsideIn::Location.named("Brooklyn")
puts "Total matches: #{data[:total]}"
data[:locations].each {|loc| puts " #{loc.display_name}"}
# displays:
# Total matches: 624
# Brooklyn, NY
# Brooklyn, IL
# Brooklyn, IN
# etc.
# all story finders return a hash:
# * total - the total number of matched stories
# * stories - the array of matched stories up to the specified limit (default 10)
# * location - the identified location -OR-
# * locations - the identified locations (when finding stories for multiple location UUIDs)
# city, state and neighborhood names are case-insensitive.
# states can be identified by name or postal abbreviation.
# find stories for a zip code
data = OutsideIn::Story.for_zip_code("11211")
puts "Total stories for #{data[:location].display_name}: #{data[:total]}"
data[:stories].each {|story| puts " #{story.title} - #{story.feed_title}"}
# displays:
# Total stories for 11211: 438
# Fashionistas to Go Higher-End with 11K-Plus Feet at 550 Seventh - The New York Observer Real Estate
# Carlos C.'s Review of East River State Park - Brooklyn (3/5) on Yelp - Yelp Reviews New York
# What's going on Tuesday? - Brooklyn Vegan
# etc.
# find by state
data = OutsideIn::Story.for_state("New York")
# find by city
data = OutsideIn::Story.for_city("NY", "New York")
# find by neighborhood
data = OutsideIn::Story.for_nabe("ny", "new york", "williamsburg")
# find by location UUID
data = OutsideIn::Story.for_uuids([
"a02aa3e4-2aaa-41d7-b9d7-45642eb1c557", # Brooklyn, NY
"98653b8d-fa8f-4d50-93b2-f3977a81f40c", # Brooklyn, Jacksonville, FL
See the class docs for more information.
A set of Thor tasks is provided so that you can call API methods from the command line (read more about Thor at
The following examples assume you have Thor installed system-wide. If it's local to your bundle, then replace thor
with bundle exec thor
Copy config/oi.sample.yml
to config/oi.yml
and replace the placeholder values with your key and secret.
You can see all available tasks with this command:
$ thor list oi
See which options are defined for a particular task with this command (replacing the task name as necessary):
$ thor help oi:locations:named
- Source code:
- Class docs:
- General API docs:
- Post questions in the help forum: