
GitHub Actions powered Issue Bot 🦾

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Issue Bot

GitHub Actions powered Issue Bot 🦾


Work on a distributed team? Try using Issue Bot as a Scrum standup process automation bot to keep track of what you're all working on. 🤖

Have repeated tasks you're setting reminders for elsewhere? Issue Bot's got your back there, too. 👏

Or just need an issue created on a certain condition? Issue Bot is there when your CI build breaks. 💔

Issue Bot is a flexible GitHub action that takes care of a few issue related tasks:

  • Opens new issue with title, body, labels, and assignees
  • Uses Mustache templating syntax in body, along with a couple of handy template variables: assignees and previousIssueNumber
  • Closes most recent previous issue with all labels if close-previous is true
  • Adds new issue to project (user, organization, or repository project based on value of project-type), column, and milestone
  • Pins new issue and unpins previous issue if pinned is true
  • Makes issue comments linking new and previous issues if linked-comments is true
  • Assigns new issue only to the next assignee in the list if rotate-assignees is true. Useful for duty rotation like first responder.
  • Pairs well with imjohnbo/extract-issue-template-fields if you'd prefer to open issues based on issue templates
  • Adds new issue to user or organization project at project-v2-path

v3 Migration

⚠️ If you're a v2 user, please note that these breaking changes were introduced in v3: ⚠️

and these features were added 🎉:

As always, your feedback and contributions are welcome.


Simple example:

# ...
- name: Create new issue
  uses: imjohnbo/issue-bot@v3
    assignees: "octocat, monalisa"
    title: Hello, world
    body: |-
      :wave: Hi, {{#each assignees}}@{{this}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}}!
    pinned: true
# ...

For more examples, see a GitHub-wide search or ./docs/example-workflows:

Inputs and outputs

See action.yml for full description of inputs and outputs.

Generated by imjohnbo/action-to-mermaid:

flowchart LR
token:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
title:::required-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
body:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
labels:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
assignees:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
project-type:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
project:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
column:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
milestone:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
pinned:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
close-previous:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
linked-comments:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
linked-comments-new-issue-text:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
linked-comments-previous-issue-text:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
rotate-assignees:::optional-->action(Issue Bot Action):::action
action(Issue Bot Action)-->issue-number:::output
action(Issue Bot Action)-->previous-issue-number:::output
classDef required fill:#6ba06a,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
classDef optional fill:#d9b430,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
classDef action fill:blue,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px,color:#ffffff
classDef output fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px,color:#333
click token "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L9"
click title "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L15"
click body "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L20"
click labels "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L25"
click assignees "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L30"
click project-type "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L36"
click project "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L11"
click column "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L49"
click milestone "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L55"
click pinned "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L60"
click close-previous "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L67"
click linked-comments "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L74"
click linked-comments-new-issue-text "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L82"
click linked-comments-previous-issue-text "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L89"
click rotate-assignees "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L96"
click issue-number "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L104"
click previous-issue-number "https://github.com/imjohnbo/issue-bot/blob/main/action.yml#L107"

Template variables

The issue body is treated as a Handlebars template, with support for template variables:

  • assignees: The array of issue assignees.
  • previousIssueNumber: The previous issue number in the series.

The linked comments (linked-comments-new-issue-text, linked-comments-previous-issue-text) support these variables and:

  • newIssueNumber: The new issue number.

Projects support

Issue Bot currently supports Projects (a.k.a. Projects v2, Projects Beta, and Projects Next) (project-v2-path) and Projects (classic) (project, project-type, column, and milestone). See action.yml for more details about these inputs.

Except when adding an issue to a Projects (classic) repository board, where the built in github.token's permissions suffice, it's recommended to use a GitHub App installation access token or personal access token with the proper scopes.

Support for Projects (classic) will be dropped in a future version.


Feel free to open an issue, or better yet, a pull request!
