
Prometheus pagespeed exporter

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Reason: enhancing security by building and deploying own images in standarized CI.

Prometheus Exporter for Google Pagespeed Online Metrics

Travis CI


To start the example with the default dashboard (docker-compose required)

$ git clone git@github.com:foomo/pagespeed_exporter.git
$ cd pagespeed_exporter/example
$ docker-compose up -d

After that, the application should be running on localhost:3000 with username admin and password s3cr3t.

The provided dashboard (Pagespeed) will be loaded with data after the first scrape.


The dashboard can be found at grafana

Understanding Metrics

Prometheus exporter for google pagespeed metrics

Building And Running


$ make


To run pagespeed exporter we need to obtain the google api key for the pagespeed. Instructions how to create a key for pagespeed can be found here

pagespeed_exporter <arguments>

$ pagespeed_exporter -api-key {KEY} -targets https://google.com,https://prometheus.io -listener :80

Exporter Target Specification

Targets can be configured in either plaintext


Or via JSON which adds additional parameters

// URL can't be invalid
// Strategy can only be mobile/desktop
// If strategy is not specified, both desktop & mobile will be used
// Parameters are passed down to google pagespeed api



Configuration specification in JSON and plain is supported both in command line & prometheus configuration

Exporter configuration

Configuration of targets can be done via docker and via prometheus

Flag Variable Description Default Required
-api-key PAGESPEED_API_KEY sets the google API key used for pagespeed False
-targets PAGESPEED_TARGETS comma separated list of targets to measure False
-t NONE multi-value target array (check docker comp) False
-listener PAGESPEED_LISTENER sets the listener address for the exporters :9271 False
-parallel PAGESPEED_PARALLEL sets the execution of targets to be parallel false False
-pushGatewayUrl PUSHGATEWAY_URL sets the pushgateway url to send the metrics False
-pushGatewayJob PUSHGATEWAY_JOB sets the pushgateway job name pagespeed_exporter False

Note: google api key is required only if scraping more than 2 targets/second

Note: exporter can be run without targets, and later targets provided via prometheus

Pushing metrics via push gateway

If you don't want to change the prometheus scrape_configs, you can send the metrics using push gateway using a batch job. Just configure the pushgateway url and use the /probe endpoint with query parameter target and the metrics will be send to prometheus.

curl http://localhost:9271/probe?target=https://www.example.com

Exporter Target Configuration (VIA PROMETHEUS)

Example configuration with simple and complex values

(Examples can ve found in the example folder)

  - job_name: pagespeed_exporter_probe
      metrics_path: /probe
      # Re-Label configurations so that we can use them
      # to configure the pagespeed exporter
        - source_labels: [__address__]
          target_label: __param_target
        - source_labels: [__param_target]
          target_label: instance
        - target_label: __address__
          replacement: "pagespeed_exporter:9271"
        - targets:
            - 'https://example.com/' # Example PLAIN
            - '{"url":"https://example.com/","campaign":"test","locale":"en","source":"source"}'  
            - '{"url":"https://example.com/mobileonly","strategy":"mobile"}'                    


$ docker run -p "9271:9271" --rm foomo/pagespeed_exporter -api-key {KEY} -t https://google.com,https://prometheus.io


$ docker run -p "9271:9271" --rm \
    --env PAGESPEED_TARGETS=https://google.com,https://prometheus.io \

Prometheus & Docker Compose

Check out the docker-compose folder


You can install the included Helm chart to your k8s cluster with:

$ helm install helm/pagespeed-exporter

And then, to quickly test it:

$ kubectl get pods
pagespeed-exporter-riotous-dragonfly-6b99955999-hj2kw   1/1     Running   0          1m

$ kubectl exec -ti pagespeed-exporter-riotous-dragonfly-6b99955999-hj2kw -- sh
# apk add curl
# curl localhost:9271/metrics
pagespeed_lighthouse_audit_score{audit="first-contentful-paint",host="https://www.google.com",path="/",strategy="mobile"} 1
pagespeed_lighthouse_audit_score{audit="first-contentful-paint",host="https://www.google.com",path="/webhp",strategy="desktop"} 1
pagespeed_lighthouse_audit_score{audit="first-contentful-paint",host="https://www.google.com",path="/webhp",strategy="mobile"} 1