
Custom torch tile in the quick settings with brightness control and a popup UI for Android.

Primary LanguageKotlin

🔦 Custom Torch


Custom tile with brightness control and a popup UI.

🖊️ Description

This app creates a tile in the quick settings so you can customize the brightness and access a slider over your apps. Also with a smooth switch on/off transition.

📝 Prerequisites

  1. Android 13 or higher.
  2. Camera2 torchStrenght API.
  3. Only tested on p7p atm.

🛠️ Building app from source

  1. Setup flutter environment for your platform
  2. Clone the repository locally
  3. Open the project in terminal
  4. Run flutter pub get in terminal
  5. Then flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs (Must be done on each git pull)
  6. To build release APK run flutter build apk

🔽 Download

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