#Palindrome web rest service. Identified palindromes given a range of values.
Technology stack
- Java 1.8
- Gradle build system
- Spring-boot, a Micro-services framework.
How to import project in your favorite IDE
- Most moderns Java IDEs (Eclipse, Netbeans, IDEA) comes with build in support for gradle if not please review plugins/add-ons for your IDE.
- To import project use standard import gradle project functionality.
Run unit and integration test
./gradlew test (Linux)
gradle.bat test (Windows
Run standalone version
Project technology (Spring boot) enable to run project without an application server. The standalone mode can be used for testing or debugging an specific scenario.
./gradlew bootRun (Linux)
gradle.bat bootRun (Windows
Rest service Api
After run the project palindromes operations is available at