Simulador - Client
This project is created using spring boot technology. The "Simulador-Cliente" client module is an angular app using boostrap.
To run the project
1 Using maven and java command line.
a. mvn clean package on main project (the one with pom.xml)
b. java -jar /target/generated jar
2 Using maven
a. mvn spring-boot:run
Technical Information
- [Three-js] Three.js for 3d surface model graphic.
- [Angular-js] Angular is a web framework that handled dynamic templates and data binding.
Others framework
- [angular-ngRoute]
- [angular-ngResource]
- [angular-ui.bootstrap']
- [angular-ngCookies]
- [angular-pascalprecht.translate]
Before Run the Project
Install Maven For the dependency management.
Maven on Unix based systems.
export M2_HOME=/home/juan/Applications/apache-maven-3.2.3
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin
export PATH=$M2:$PATH
Getting Started
How to create the project on IntelliJ IDEA
1 On Idea main menu.
a. Import project. Select the folder that contain the pom.xml file.
b. Choose maven as project type.
c. Enabled automatically download sources and documentation (Is really useful).
2. To run/debug the project run Application on configuration package.