
Awesome Tools For Refactoring Code

Python Tools For Refactoring Code

What is Refactoring?

  • The process of restructuring existing computer code—changing —without changing its external behavior.
  • Refactoring is intended to improve nonfunctional attributes of the software.

Advantages of Refactoring

  • Improved code readability
  • Reduced complexity;
  • Improve source-code maintainability
  • Improve extensibility.

It includes

  • Upgrade your dependencies to newer version
  • Rename your code functions, classes, modules, etc
  • Reorganize your code base, moving a function from a file to another
  • Improve implementation of a function to increase performance
  • Reformat your code to make it standards compliant
  • Following design patterns

Pre-Refactoring & Refactoring and Post-Refactoring

  • Check Code Quality
  • Static Code Analysis [easily identify the vulnerabilities without executing the program]
  • Measure Code Metrics[Complexity of Code/Maintainablity]
  • Testing
  • Structuring or Reorganizing
  • Remove duplicates and Reduntant Code
  • Decomposition/Separation
  • Backward Compatibility
  • Design Patterns and Style Guide
  • Documentation of Differences and Updates

Tools and Description

IDE Plugins +

  • PyCharm – Cross-platform Python IDE with code inspections available for analyzing code on-the-fly in the editor and bulk analysis of the whole project.
  • PyDev – Eclipse-based Python IDE with code analysis available on-the-fly in the editor or at save time.

Check Security and Vulnerabilities

  • bandit - a tool to find common security issues in Python code
  • py-find-injection - find SQL injection vulnerabilities in Python code
  • Dlint - a tool for ensuring Python code is secure

Formating and Linting

  • bellybutton - a linting engine supporting custom project-specific rules
  • Black - The uncompromising Python code formatter
  • PyLint

Static Type Checking

  • mypy - a static type checker that aims to combine the benefits of duck typing and static typing, frequently used with MonkeyType
  • pyre-check - A fast, scalable type checker for large Python codebases
  • PyT - Python Taint - A static analysis tool for detecting security vulnerabilities in Python web applications.
  • pytype - A static type analyzer for Python code.
  • pyright - Static type checker for Python, created to address gaps in existing tools like mypy.
  • jedi - autocompletion/static analysis library for Python
  • Pylint – Static code analyzer. Quite stringent; includes many stylistic warnings as well.
  • Sonargraph – Static analyzer for Python 3 with focus on structure, architecture and metrics.

Code Metrics and Complexity

  • mccabe - check McCabe complexity
  • radon - a Python tool that computes various metrics from the source code
  • xenon - monitor code complexity using radon

Styling and Formating

  • pycodestyle - (formerly pep8) check Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP 8
  • pydocstyle - check compliance with Python docstring conventions
  • pyroma - rate how well a Python project complies with the best practices of the Python packaging ecosystem, and list issues that could be improved
  • wemake-python-styleguide - the strictest and most opinionated python linter ever

Error Checking

  • pyflakes - check Python source files for errors
  • pylint - looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard and sniffs for some code smells. It additionally includes pyreverse (an UML diagram generator) and symilar (a similarities checker).
  • linty fresh - parse lint errors and report them to Github as comments on a pull request


  • wily - a command-line tool for archiving, exploring and graphing the complexity of Python source code
  • vulture - find unused classes, functions and variables in Python code
  • cohesion - a tool for measuring Python class cohesion