
Terminal Jupiter explorer simulator with TDD (Jest)

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A terminal based simulator of an explorer robot on Jupiter. The project includes TDD with Jest on NodeJs.


The terminal will ask the user for the initial simulator configuration:

  • Grid: the user will set the area to explore for Jupiter, ie (10 10).

  • Initial position: the user have to set a initial position of the Jupiter on the Grid, and say where is it face to, ie (0 0 'N').

  • Orders: user can send a stream of orders to Jupiter, ie ("RMMLMRRMLLLMM").

  • When the Jupiter finalize the orders, it will response with its actual position, ie ("The Jupiter explorer is facing to W on {2,8}").

  • Finally typing exit on prompt, the simulator will be closed.

Data structure

  • Explorer: The entry point of the app, creates a Jupiter explorer and set it with the user inputs. Ends simulator when user types exit like order input.

  • Class Jupiter: Describes the properties and methods of the explorator:

    • Properties:
      • Grid: an Array with the area the Jupiter will explore. Format [Number Number].
      • Position: an Object that stores the actual position of the explorer. Format: {x:Number, y:Number}.
      • Direction: a character that represents the direccion of Jupiter move. Format: N or E or S or W.
    • Methods:
      • Getters (grid, position, direction): return the actual values of Jupiter.
      • setGrid(Number, Number): creates the area, acepts only numbers. Returns the Grid size like [Number, Number]
      • setPosition(Number, Number): sets jupiter position, acepts only numbers. Returns the the actual position of the Jupiter like {x:Number, y:Number}.
      • setDirection(String): creates the area, acepts only one character, if recives a string, it will only take the first. Returns the actual direction of Jupiter like N or E or S or W.
      • changeDirection(String): updates the direction of the Jupiter using Direction helper. Returns the the actual position of the Jupiter like {x:Number, y:Number}.
      • moveForward(): move Jupiter one step forward. If the movement implies get out of the grid, the Jupiter will stays still. Returns the the actual position of the Jupiter like {x:Number, y:Number}.
      • getStatus(): returns the Jupiter actual position. Format: "The Jupiter explorer is facing to [N or E or S or W] on {Number, Number}".
      • task(string): the string will be split in to characters. Returns the Jupiter actual position like "The Jupiter explorer is facing to [N or E or S or W] on {Number, Number}". For each character will evaluates:
        • M: Jupiter will move forward.
        • L: Jupiter will turn left without move.
        • R: Jupiter will turn right without move.
        • Other value: will be obviated.
  • Class Direction:

    • Properties:
      • vectors: an Array with all the posibles directions ([N,E,S,W]).
    • Methods:
      • getVectors(): returns the posible directions like [N,E,S,W].
      • changeVector(String, String): returns the new direction of the Jupiter based on the actual position like W. Posible values:
        • L: turns left.
        • R: turns right.