
Social Network with Maching and Geolocation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🙊 UOP - Unpopular Opinion API

❓ What is UOP API

UOP it's an App where you can know how popular are your opinions based on what other people respond to the same opinions and a general overview of everything you've have thought about. And this is the API that supports it.

📑 Models


username: String // required
email: String // required & unique
password: String // required
favorites: [ObjectID<Opinions>] // not required
followers: [ObjectID<Followers>] // not required
following: [ObjectID<Following>] // not required
location: {lat: Number, long: Number} // required


author: ObjectID<User> // required
category: Array[Enum]  // required & defined by the App
question: String // required
response: {x: String, y: String} // required
photo: String
location: {lat: Number, long: Number} // required
reported: { 
    isReported: Boolean (default: false), // user reports an opinion
    isRevised: Boolean (default: false), // admin checks the report
    by: [ObjectID<user>] // users that reported the opinion


opinion :ObjectID<opinion> 
responses: Array[
        user: ObjectID<user>,
        response: Array[enum]

📍 Endpoints


Method Route Functionality
GET /auth/me Check session status
POST /auth/signup Log in user to app and set user to session (Body: username, email, password)
POST /auth/login Register user to app and set user to session (Body: username, mail, password)
POST /auth/logout Log out user from app and remove session


Method Route Functionality
GET /:id Gives back all the information of the user
PUT / Updates his own information


Method Route Functionality
GET /opinion Gives back all the opinions that haven't been responded by the user
POST /opinion Creates a new opinion card inside the platform
GET /opinion/all Gives back all the opinions with author data
GET /opinion/categories Gives back all the available categories
POST /opinion/response Sends the response of the user to an opinion


Method Route Functionality
POST / Receives a query object with the required statistic config


Method Route Functionality
DELETE /user/:id The admin deletes the profile of a user
GET /reported Gives all reported opinions unchecked
PUT /reported Updates Opinion and Reported as checked
DELETE /reported/:id Deletes an Opinion

😎 Demo user

  username: "demo",
  password: "demo"

⚓️ Links

🎖 Contribute

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