
New Computer basic config scripts

Primary LanguageShell

JdeJ's dotfiles

Use this dotfiles when configuring a new Mac or performing a clean installation of macOS, they automate a lot of setup tasks, including:

  • The installation of 3rd party applications.
  • The installation of command line tools.
  • Configuration of system and application preferences.
  • Creation of a local file system hierarchy

This dotfiles allow users to configure these settings prior to installation, and create custom macOS environments.


Script for new Mac basic setup.


  • Config default branch to main
  • Push defaults to current branch
  • Set alias:
    • i = init
    • cl = clone
    • co = checkout
    • cb = checkout -b
    • a = add -A
    • cm = commit -m
    • ca = commit -a --amend --no-edit
    • rh = reset --hard HEAD
    • rs = reset --soft HEAD
  • Setups colors for diff


Setup as git profiles as you need


Generate as ssh keys as you need


Basic setup to ignore common files


Install these apps programatically

  • brew staff: git hub watchman tree bat
  • apps: alfred android-studio chromedriver dash discord dropbox firefox firefox-developer-edition google-chrome google-chrome-dev handbrake iterm2 itsycal mounty node notion nvm obs phpstorm postman rectangle slack sourcetree spotify sublime-text suspicious-package skype teamviewer the-unarchiver transmission virtualbox vlc whatsapp webstorm wifi-password workflowy yarn zoomus


Install Oh My Zsh and powerlevel10k customizations


Install VSCode and add basic extensions:

  • Import Cost: Display import/require package size in the editor
  • colorize: A vscode extension to help visualize css colors in files.
  • Github Markdown Preview: Changes VS Code's built-in markdown preview to match Github
  • npm Intellisense: Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes npm modules in import statements
  • Auto Rename Tag: Auto rename paired HTML/XML tag
  • Prettier - Code formatter: Code formatter using prettier
  • Peacock: Subtly change the workspace color of your workspace. Ideal when you have multiple VS C
  • DotENV: Support for dotenv file syntax
  • CSS-in-JS: CSS-in-JS autocomplete and conversion
  • Material Icon Theme: Material Design Icons for Visual Studio Code
  • MDX: Provides syntax highlighting and bracket matching for MDX (JSX in Markd
  • Visual Studio IntelliCode: AI-assisted development
  • Quokka.js: JavaScript and TypeScript playground in your editor.
  • TODO Highlight: highlight TODOs, FIXMEs, and any keywords, annotations...
  • Local History: Save files into local history
  • Live Share: Real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools.
  • Git History Diff: View git history. View diff of committed files. View git blame info. View stash detai
  • Path Intellisense: Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames
  • ESLint: Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.
  • Git History: View git log, file history, compare branches or commits
  • GitLens — Git supercharged: Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code
  • Babel JavaScript: VSCode syntax highlighting for today's JavaScript
  • Debugger for Chrome: Debug your JavaScript code in the Chrome browser, or any other target that supports the Chrome Debugger
  • YAML: YAML Language Support by Red Hat, with built-in Kubernetes syntax support
  • Git Blame: See git blame information in the status bar.
  • open in browser: This allows you to open the current file in your default browser or application.
  • TSLint: TSLint support for Visual Studio Code.

## Resources macOS Setup driesvints dotfiles