It's an App where you can know how popular are your opinions based on what other people respond to the same opinions and a general overview of everything you've opinated about.
- 404: As an anon/user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault.
- Signup: As an anon I can't do anything.
- Login: As a user I can login to the platform so that I can see the opinions and everything else.
- Logout: As a user I can logout from the platform so no one else can use it.
- Add Opinion: As a user I can add an opinion that I will share with the community.
- Opinions: As a user I want to want to be able to respond to the different opinions of the community.
- Profile: As a user I can see my profile an how popular am I within my community. Also I will see how people respond to my opinions.
User profile:
- See my index of popularity by category.
- Upload my profile picture.
- See other users profile.
- List of people you follow and are followed by.
- Chat with other users.
In my zone:
- Add geolocation to the users so you can check those who are closer to you.
- See the level of compatibility you have within your area.
- See the level of compatibility you have with every specific user near you.
The swiper (Home):
- You can mark as favourite the opinions you want to follow
- You can report those opinions that do not follow the App policies.
- You can follow those users whom opinions you like.
- The fist opinions that will appear are those closer to you.
- Filter the opinions by category.
url | public | Functionality |
/ |
false | landing page |
/signup |
true | Signup user |
/login |
true | login user |
/profile |
false | profile of user |
/opiniongenerator |
false | user content creator |
/inmyzone????? |
false | user content creator |
- Auth Service
- auth.login(user)
- auth.signup(user)
- auth.logout()
- auth.getUser(user) // synchronous
- User
- user.respond(opinion)
- Opinions
- opinion.find(query)
- opinion.create(data)
- User
- user.addFavorite(id)
- user.removeFavorite(id)
- user.follow(user2)
- user.unfollow(user2)
User model
username - String // required
email - String // required & unique
password - String // required
Backlog - User model
favorites - [ObjectID<Opinions>] // not required
followers - [ObjectID<Followers>] // not required
following - [ObjectID<Following>] // not required
location - {lat: Number, long: Number} // required if using "In my zone"
Opinion model
author - ObjectID<User> // required
category - Array[Enum] // required & defined by the App
question - String // required & caracter limited
response // required & caracter limited - {
x: String,
y: String
Backlog - Opinion model
photo - String (Url)
location // required if using "In my zone" - {
lat: Number,
long: Number
reported // created by the API - {
isReported: boolean (default: false), // user reports an opinion
isRevised - boolean (default: false), // admin checks the report
by: [ObjectID<user>] // users that reported the opinion
modified // created by the API - {
isModified: boolean (default: false), // user modifies his own opinion
isRevised - boolean (default: false) // admin checks modification
Response model
opinion - ObjectID<opinion>
responses - Array[{
user - ObjectID<user>,
response - Array[enum]
Method | Route | Functionality |
GET | api/auth/me | Check session status |
POST | api/auth/signup | Log in user to app and set user to session (Body: username, email, password) |
POST | api/auth/login | Register user to app and set user to session (Body: username, mail, password) |
POST | api/auth/logout | Log out user from app and remove session |
Method | Route | Functionality |
GET | api/user/:id | Gives back all the information of the user |
PUT | api/user | Updates his own information |
Method | Route | Functionality |
GET | api/opinion | Gives back all the opinions that haven't been responded by the user |
POST | api/opinion | Creates a new opinion card inside the platform |
POST | api/opinion/response | Sends the response of the user to an exact opinion |
PUT | api/opinion/:id | Updates a new opinion card inside the platform |
POST | api/opinion/report | Reports an opinion from the platform |
DELETE | api/opinion/:id | Erases an opinion from the platform |
Method | Route | Functionality |
GET | api/reports | The admin gets all the reported opinions |
PUT | api/reports/:id | The admin modifies the state of the reported opinion |
DELETE | api/reports/:id | The admin deletes once and for all the reported opinion |
DELETE | api/user/:id | The admin deletes the profile of a user |
Link to your trello board or picture of your physical board
The url to your repository and to your deployed project
The url to your presentation slides