About me

Nice to meet you. I'm Je-hwan Yoo, a Backend & DevOps Engineer.

I am currently working in the Platform Engineering team at BSG Partners.

I majored in Computer Science and Engineering and focused on Node.js during my undergraduate years.

I favor MongoDB for NoSQL databases and know how to work with PostgreSQL for relational databases.

I'm skilled in implementing both RESTful and GraphQL. Recently, I've been exploring the use of gRPC.

I am cloud-native, with expertise in AWS. For simple full-stack services, I use platforms like Amplify and Vercel. I have developed a habit of dockerizing all my development environments.

I favor development paradigms such as Functional Programming (FP), Dependency Injection (DI), Test-Driven Development (TDD), and Domain-Driven Design (DDD).


AWS Solutions Architect Badge (2)

AWS Developer Associate Badge (1)


Native Language

JavaScript / TypeScript / NodeJS


  • JavaScript is love.
  • I'm a wizard of TypeScript.
  • Node.js is my life.


Second Language

Go / Python / C++ / Deno JS / Bun


  • I enjoy the concurrency features of Go language.
  • I use Python for solving coding tests. I used to be interested in deep learning and machine learning as well.
  • During my undergraduate years, I spent many challenging days with C/C++. I might be interested in Rust...
  • I'm very interested in Bun, a completely new JavaScript runtime.


Framework & Library

NestJS / Express.js / React / Next JS / Hono / Elysia / Gin / Fiber


  • I can build both monolithic and microservices apps using Nest.js.
  • I have a deep understanding of the Nest.js module system.
  • Now, when I create a functional server, I no longer use Express. Instead, use the Elysia framework.
  • I can create frontend apps with React.js. I'm really good at centering things. Trust me.
  • I'm currently studying Server-Side Rendering (SSR).


MongoDB / Postgres

  • I believe semi-structured & NoSQL databases like MongoDB as the future.
  • I can use MongoDB's aggregate functions.
  • I can use session-based transactions in MongoDB.
  • I can use text and geo indexing in MongoDB.
  • I understand the basic level of DCL, DDL, and DML in Postgres.
  • I know how to integrate both MongoDB and Postgres with ORMs (Mongoose, TypeORM).



GraphQL / Apollo-GraphQL




  • Let's do TDD
  • I effectively use dependency injection and mocking for testing.


Cloud Native

Docker / Kubernetes


  • I believe that dockerizing is the foundation of all development.
  • I'm still learning Kubernetes, but I understand the basic concepts.


AWS / Vercel

  • I know the important AWS services well, like VPC, EC2, ECS/ECR, S3, Lambda, and CodePipeline.
  • I can read and write AWS CloudFormation templates. (IaC)
  • I can create AWS CDK with JavaScript or Go (IaC)
  • I can develop using the AWS SDK for Node.js.
  • I have experience deploying services using AWS Amplify.
  • I have experience deploying services using Vercel.


React Native

  • I can build a simple application using React Native. I tried just a little bit of flutter.



  • I can build a simple application using Electron.js