
Matatalab bot and controller drivers for macOS and iOS.

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Matata Devices

Bot and Controller are Bluetooth LE devices with a single Service: 6E400001-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E

The Service exposes 2 characteristics:

  • 6E400002-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E with properties write / writeNoReply
  • 6E400003-B5A3-F393-E0A9-E50E24DCCA9E with property notify

Payload encoding

Each packet is composed of a 1 byte header with value 254, followed by the encoded payload.

Encoded payload are generated by appending a crc16 to the original payload and then encoding the result as follow:

  • replace 253 by the 2 bytes sequence 253 / 221
  • replace 254 by the 2 bytes equence 253 / 222


The crc16 checksum is a 2 bytes value computed like this:

func crc16(_ data: [UInt8]) -> UInt16 {
    var crc: UInt16 = 0xffff;
    for byte in data {
        crc = crc.byteSwapped ^ UInt16(byte);
        crc = crc ^ (crc & 255) >> 4;
        crc = crc ^ (crc << 12);
        crc = crc ^ (crc & 255) << 5;
    return crc;


To control a device, first lookup for a device with the right characteristics.

On dicover -> start listening on the notify characteristic.

Once the connection is setup, the device will start broadcasting every second its identity (null terminated string like Car:[0x87]\n) on the notify channel, waiting for an handshake.

The handshake content remains to be defined, but for a controller app like MatataCode, it is the following payload: [0x07, 0x7e, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0]

The device should answer a 5 bytes payload like: [0x06, 0x7e, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00]

  • payload[3] ≠ 0 means that this is a controller that is itself connected to a bot that must be updated.
  • payload[4] ≠ 0 means that the device version do not match the extension version and that the device must be updated.

Controller Status

When connected to a Matata Controller, it can also broadcast periodically information about its configuration.

  • [0x04, 0x87, 0x01] : Bot connected.
  • [0x04, 0x87, 0x02] : No Bot connected.

After each request, the controller send a reply:

  • [0x04, 0x88, 0x00]: request OK.
  • [0x04, 0x88, 0x01]: request failed (invalid CRC, …).
  • [0x04, 0x88, 0x07]: the controller is not in sensor mode.

Bot Commands

Prefix Command Parameters
0x10 0x01 Forward distance in mm (16 bits)
0x10 0x02 Backward distance in mm (16 bits)
0x10 0x03 Turn Left angle in degree (16 bits)
0x10 0x04 Turn Right angle in degree (16 bits)
0x11 - Wheel Motion See below
0x12 0x01 Dance Dance [0x1; 0x6]
0x13 0x01 Action Action [0x1; 0x6]
0x15 - Play Note beat (16 bits) / note (16 bits)
0x16 0x01 Play Melody Melody [0x1; 0xa]
0x16 0x01 Play Music Music [0x11; 0x16]
0x16 0x01 Play Sound Music [0x21; 0x2f]
0x17 - Eyes bit field (left: 1, right: 2) / r, g, b [0;255]

Wheel Motion

First byte is a bit field:

  • left: 0x01
  • right: 0x02

For each wheel, append 3 bytes:

  • direction:
    • forward: 0x01
    • backward: 0x02
  • speed (16 bits).
    • speed 1 is 70
    • speed 6 is 245

Controller Commands

Controller supports only LEDs commands

Prefix Command Parameters
0x18 0x02 Show all <color> <level [1;6]>
0x18 0x03 Show all (RGB) <r> <g> <b>
0x18 0x04 Show previous LED <color> <level [1;6]>
0x18 0x05 Show next LED <color> <level [1;6]>
0x18 0x06 Show LED animation <animation [1;6]>
0x18 0x07 Show all (advanced) 12 × <r> <g> <b>
0x18 0x08 Show single LED <index [0; 11]> <r> <g> <b>


  • 1: white
  • 2: red
  • 3: yellow
  • 4: green
  • 5: blue
  • 6: purple
  • 7: black


  • 1: spoondrift
  • 2: meteor
  • 3: rainbow
  • 4: firefly
  • 5: colorwipe
  • 6: breathe

Sensor Queries

Request sensor status.

For each request, the response is composed of 4 bytes (including the request) followed by the queried value.

Light and Colors

Request Command Response
0x20 0x01 <color> is color detected > 0 if true
0x20 0x05 0x01 is bright > 0 if true
0x20 0x05 0x02 is dark > 0 if true
0x28 0x02 0x01 get red value value[0;255]
0x28 0x02 0x02 get green value value[0;255]
0x28 0x02 0x03 get blue value value[0;255]
0x28 0x02 0x04 get light strength intensity[0;255]


  • 1: white
  • 2: red
  • 3: yellow
  • 4: green
  • 5: blue
  • 6: purple
  • 7: black


Request Command Response
0x20 0x02 0x01 is shaked > 0 if true
0x20 0x02 0x02 is halo up > 0 if true
0x20 0x02 0x03 is halo down > 0 if true
0x20 0x02 0x04 is tilted left > 0 if true
0x20 0x02 0x05 is tilted right > 0 if true
0x20 0x02 0x06 is tilted forward > 0 if true
0x20 0x02 0x07 is tilted backward > 0 if true
0x20 0x02 0x08 is falling > 0 if true
0x28 0x01 0x01 get X acceleration 32 bits LE float
0x28 0x01 0x02 get Y acceleration 32 bits LE float
0x28 0x01 0x03 get Z acceleration 32 bits LE float
0x28 0x01 0x04 get roll 32 bits LE float
0x28 0x01 0x05 get pitch 32 bits LE float
0x28 0x01 0x06 get yaw 32 bits LE float
0x28 0x01 0x07 get shake strength 32 bits LE float


Request Command Response
0x20 0x03 is sound detected > 0 if true
0x20 0x04 is obstacle ahead > 0 if true
0x20 0x07 <button> is button pressed > 0 if true
0x20 0x06 0x01 <msg> send message -
0x20 0x06 0x02 get received message message


  • 1: play
  • 2: delete
  • 3: turn right
  • 4: forward
  • 5: turn left
  • 6: music
  • 7: backward