
Wigged Out System

Disclaimer: This unofficial rulebook is lovingly crafted with inspiration and guidance from the Knight Realms Core Gameplay Rulebook. While we borrow many concepts from them, we hope that you find our departures tasteful, interesting, and--most importantly--fun! Credit goes to James C. Kimball and the KR Rules Team, who have poured their souls into the ancestor to this system over the past 18 years. We hope that you join us in our monthly escapades to the fantastical land of Travance, at Camp Sacagawea in Sparta, NJ. You'll find their combat system similar, but very different. Many of the basic descriptions of weapons combat has been copied and edited below.

Combat Arms And Armor

Arms and Armor are essential to any fantasy genre story, from swords to suits of plate mail. The following defines weapons and armor within the rules of Wigged Out:

"Armor" is defined as any item that protects the wearer by granting the wearer additional Toughness. Armor may be a physical item, such as a chain mail shirt; natural, such as a thick hide or scales on a monster; or supernatural in nature, such as the effect of a spell or prayer. Please see the Armor section for more details.

"Arms" can be broken down in to four categories:

A) Weapons:

Melee – any item that is held in one's hand(s) and used in hand-to-hand combat to deal damage.

Natural – any weapon that is a part of the bearer's physique, such as claws, fists, teeth, etc. Natural weapons may not be disarmed, willingly or unwillingly, although the weapon is only in a ready state if they physrep is in the bearer's hand. Natural Weapons may not be the target of effects that have the Weapon trait. Attacks with Natural weapons are considered Melee attacks.

Ranged – any item that is thrown, fired, or otherwise launched at its target, to deal damage. If the weapon has two parts (such as a bow and arrows), both are considered Ranged Weapons, even if they have separate item cards. Any temporary effects upon the launching item will also affect its projectiles when fired from it. Thrown items must be affected individually.

B) Shields – Any item designed to be held with one hand, to block incoming attacks. Shields cannot deal damage, and do not require the skill Florentine to be used in conjunction with a weapon in the other hand.

Please see the Weapons section for more details.

Weapon Combat Weapon combat is fairly simple and straightforward. When using hand-held weapons either thrust or swing the weapon in an arc between 60 and 120 degrees while you attempt to make contact with your target. A weapon strike should never be forceful enough to cause injury or pain. After properly hitting your target call out the damage that you would normally do or any specialty skills if used. For example, after successfully hitting your opponent you would call out "Two Damage" or "Stunning Blow". If the attack were successful then the target would subtract whatever damage he had taken from his current body points. When the target has taken more damage than he has body points he falls to the ground, in serious condition.

As always, safety is a great concern during combat. Do not put excessive force behind your swings. Blows should be easily felt but not leave bruises. Do not charge at a player so fast as to have them back up in fear of bodily injury. Shots to the head and groin are illegal and do not cause any damage. We all at times become excited during a battle and sometimes forget to pull our blows, but players who habitually make groin or head shots or swing too hard may have their combat privileges suspended.

For a guide to making weapons, check the main website under "Weapons and Armor."

Non-Combat Characters A Non-Combat Character must wear a green headband to signify their status. The character can still be attacked, but the attacker must not strike the player. Instead, the attack must approach to within melee striking range, or a reasonable missile range (approximately 20 feet (8 Paces) for bows and crossbows, 10 feet (4 Paces) for thrown weapons) and then call damage (or skills). Each strike that is called automatically lands. Note that these attacks cannot be rattled off rapid-fire, but must be delivered at a cadence that is reasonable to the type of attack being used. The Non-Combat player cannot hold weapons in their hands, but can wear them at their side. If the Non-Combat player is in contact with a weapon, they can call defensive skills that are dependent on having a weapon in-hand.

Dealing Damage

Limitations On Bonuses And Enhancements Dealing Damage Within the rules of Knight Realms, there are three primary ways to increase the amount of damage a weapon can deal. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each one may be limited to how effective it can become.

Proficiency skills such as Strength, Weapon Proficiency, Ranged Proficiency, Backstab Proficiency, and Unarmed Proficiency grant a continuous bonus to your damage, often under certain circumstances. There is no limit to the bonus to damage you can receive from Proficiency skills.

Augment abilities such as certain spells, prayers, potions, or skills such as Battle Cry provide a temporary increase to your damage. A character can only receive a maximum of +5 damage from Augment abilities at any given time. If any combination of Augment abilities would give a character more than +5 damage, they ignore bonuses in excess of 5.

Items can often provide a continuous bonus to damage. This can come from Runes, materials such as crystal, exalted weapons, Legendary Weapons, or artifacts. A character can only receive a maximum of +5 damage from items at any given time. If a character would receive more than +5 damage from items, they ignore all bonuses in excess of 5.

Skills that multiply damage. Unless explicitly stated, if you have a combination of abilities that each multiply your damage, you only use the highest multiplier, you cannot combine multipliers.

Archery (Bows And Crossbows) For the purpose of archery, Knight Realms allows players to use real bows with boffer-padded arrows (boffer archery). While we allow and encourage real bows for realism and the all-important coolness factor, we must stress that safety always comes first.

Boffer arrows do a base of 8 damage. The base damage is high to encourage people to put the time and effort into making a good looking set of props and weapons.

Because they look poor and are inaccurate, Nerf weapons are not allowed at Knight Realms. "Packet Archery" (holding a bow in one hand, and throwing spell packets with the other) is also not permitted at Knight Realms.

In order to use a bow, you must first pass a test under the supervision of a Rules Marshal. Also, all arrows must be professionally made and are subject to inspection by a Rules Marshal.

Archery Equipment Bows need to be simple recurve bows with no more than 25 pounds at full draw, and with a Draw length of no more than 26”. Arrows should be fitted for this (26”), keeping in mind that the end will be covered in foam, so you may want them a bit longer.

It is the policy of Knight Realms to only allow professionally manufactured and sold boffer arrows and bolts, designed specifically for LARP, such as those made by IDE Engineering, or another, comparable, vendor. This ensures the quality, thus the safety, of the product, and removes the need to inspect home-made arrows on a regular basis for safety.

Archery Safety Remember that safety always comes first. If at any time you or your equipment is deemed unsafe, you will be asked not to use it until you can demonstrate that you know how to use it properly. If you fail repeatedly your archery privileges can be revoked permanently. Arrows that are damaged can splinter or shatter, either when fired or on impact. Damaged bows and arrows should be removed from use ASAP. It is against the rules to swat an arrow with a weapon.

Targeting an archer’s bow or arrow can be dangerous for everyone in the area, causing the bow to snap, or the arrow to fly haphazardly and in a dangerous fashion. If a non-archer is constantly found rushing archers in dangerous ways, or hitting their bows and arrows purposely, they will be punished accordingly. Likewise, it is against the rules for an archer to block an attack with a bow or crossbow, especially a strung or knocked one. In the interest of safety, any archer holding a bow with a nocked arrow, regardless of whether the string is drawn or not, should be treated as a non-combat character for the purpose of being attacked.

Steady Shot A character may, at any point while aiming with a loaded and drawn launched weapon, begin a count to automatically hit a target. The Archer must an OOG verbal count, "Steady Shot 1, Steady Shot 2, Steady Shot 3..." until reaching the appropriate count for the desired ability they wish to use. An Archer may fire base damage after a count to 10, a Lower profession skill with a count to 20, and a Higher profession skill with a count to 30. When this method is used, after firing the shot, the marksman must drop the readied missile phys rep at their feet and may not pick it up for 5 seconds. The target must be within the normal firing range of the launched weapon – the attacker may be asked to fire a shot as far as the target if the range is questionable, but it does not need to be accurate.

Point Blank Range Rules Safe boffer archery requires common sense. When employing boffer arrows, an archer is not to shoot anyone closer than ten feet away for the safety of everyone. If this rule is commonly broken the archer will be punished, and possibly asked to leave the game.

Rushing an archer is not an acceptable or recommended form of defending yourself, nor his hitting his bow or arrows (which can easily break). If an archer has a bead on a target and the target begins to close within ten feet, the archer is NOT to fire under any circumstances. Instead, the archer should call “Point Blank, X Damage” at the target. Periodic Skills may not be used with a Point Blank shot. No shot should be landed on the target OOG when calling a Point Blank shot.

Point Blank can only be used defensively on an opponent that is attempting to rush or engage the archer; they cannot choose to fire “Point Blank” at all targets within ten feet. If an archer selects a target that is within ten feet of their position, and the target is not attempting to engage the archer, then the archer must move to a point at least ten feet distant from their intended target before firing at them.

Point Blank cannot be called at all if the archer is being actively attacked in melee. Additionally, Point Blank cannot be called more than once on the same target in the same encounter, nor can it be called twice if an archer is being rushed by two targets.

After an Archer calls Point Blank (remember, an arrow must be knocked and drawn to call this skill), they may let loose his arrow upon another target if they wishes, or turn and run. Alternatively, the brave archer might set their bow down, draw a melee weapon, and stand their ground. Remember that an Archer with a nocked and drawn bow or crossbow is considered Non-Combat (That is, you may attack them as if they had a Green Headband on, but you may not strike them OOG).

If abused or misused in anyway, Point Blank shot rights may be taken from a Player. The archer would then be unable to attack any targets inside of ten feet distance.

Defending Against An Attack Defenses against damage are an integral part of the game, as much as the ability to do damage. Any time your character is struck by an attack (a Melee weapon, spell, or something else that would be non-beneficial to your character), you have the option of using any defenses your character may have against that attack, provided they are appropriate. Some defenses block melee attacks, others block spells or prayers. The most powerful will block anything that affects you. Defenses may be skills on your card (such as Parry or Dodge), spells or prayers cast upon you (such as Stoneskin or Guardian Prayer), or effects embedded into magical items that you must invoke before using them. If an attack successfully hits you (i.e. – a sword hits your body, and not just your shield or weapon, or a spell hits any part of you or your gear), you have 5 seconds in which to call an appropriate defense, if you have one. If you call a defense, both it and the attacking skill are considered used, and should be marked off on your respective character cards.

Defending Against Physical Attacks, And Expending Attack Skills If you attack using a periodic skill using a Melee attack, and your attack is blocked by the physrep of a shield or weapon (as opposed to a defense that is another skill or effect), you retain the use of your periodic skill. The attack must connect with a target to be used, in which case it will take effect, can be defended against, or will have no effect (as above).

An attack that is Launched or Thrown is considered a hit if it hits ANY part of its target, including clothing, hair, or a part of the target other than the body. A shield will still block an attack from a Launched or Thrown weapon.

An attack using a periodic skill that is a Launched attack retains the use of the skill if the attack misses the target, including hitting a shield.

An attack using a periodic skill that is a Thrown attack does not retain the use of the skill if the attack misses the target, including hitting a shield.

A player may not actively attempt to block a Launched or Thrown weapon with their own weapon, OOG. This is dangerous, and can break the projectile in flight, causing it to break or shatter. Only shields may be used to block launched or thrown attacks. An attack that hits a weapon, held or fastened, is considered to hit the person that is carrying the weapon. This is to discourage the blocking of Launched or Thrown attacks with weapons.

Role-Playing Damage We at Knight Realms have found that some of the most respected and well liked role-players are also those who role-play the damage dealt to them. In the heat of battle you may forget to grimace at a sword blow to the ribs, but for the realism of the game and the respect of your fellow players, we strongly suggest role-playing damage that is taken.

Visualize yourself in a combat situation, your hot, sweaty, irritated and bloody. If you were to be hit with a 2-handed blade in the gut, you certainly would not just go right on fighting. Holding your stomach, taking a step back, or even taking a fall would be great for role-playing the effects of damage. Yelling out in pain or groaning is a great way to direct the attention your way, if you are in battle and in need of help or healing, what better way is there to ask for it? Role-Playing just breeds fun and fun breeds better role-playing. Those who role-play in Knight Realms are rewarded not only with role-playing points, but also with respect and praise. We may even ask you to help with the teaching of new players and NPCs or even ask you to be a Marshal.

Role-Playing damage should not be the extent of your role-playing ability. Acting dizzy after being waylaid or acting like you are in pain when someone breaks your arm are all great ways to earn role-playing points and add fun to the game. Even if you are shy or you don’t think you are a good role-player, no one looks down upon any attempts of role-playing. If you are looking to improve upon your role-playing skills, NPC. The Monster Marshal and other experienced NPCs and staff members can give you pointers and can provide practice for your role-playing skills.

State Of Combat, Battle, And Surprise Some effects may only be used in or out of combat. Other effects last the length of a battle. Both conditions have definitions within the rules of Knight Realms for consistency.

A character is considered to be in combat if they make an attack other than a surprise attack or if they are struck by or defends against the attack of another by any means. Being in combat lasts until one minute has passed from the last action that put their in combat.

A character can make a surprise attack (a skill requiring surprise) only if they are not currently in combat.

A battle lasts until a character cannot see or hear the activity of combat for ten minutes.

A character that is Imprisoned (per the trait) does not count time towards being out of combat or the end of a battle while in this state.

Killing Blows When an opponent is unconscious, paralyzed, or willing you may deal a lethal blow to force them into the Critical stage of their Death Count. To do this you must place your weapon on your opponent’s torso and state “killing blow one, killing blow two, killing blow three, killing blow four, killing blow five, (X) damage”, X being the amount and type of damage dealt by your weapon. You must state the amount and type of damage when performing a killing blow because some creatures may have naturally hard skin or other defenses that require a strong or special kind of blow to kill it. You may also administer a killing blow with a damage skill or effect, or a Torch. When using a casted effect to cause a killing blow, cast the casted effect, recite the killing blow, throw the spell packet at the body’s torso and call the damage. By default, NPCs may not deliver Killing Blows. Only NPCs with direct confirmation from a Storyteller or Monster Marshal are considered Killing Blow Active.

Searching When coming across an unconscious or dead body, you may attempt to search the being for possessions. A searching character should spend roughly 30 seconds role-playing the search, describing their actions to the person they are searching. The person being searched should, in turn, describe what the searcher finds as they go about their business.

Searching someone is an exercise in good Role-Play, but should never be taken to an absurd level. If a searcher does not role-play their search well (i.e. – “I just search you all over”), they should not find anything, but by the same token, the person being searched (especially if they are an NPC) should not make things unduly difficult for the searcher.

Key information relating to plots, puzzles, or further adventure can also sometimes be found with a descriptive search – be thorough, and play it out!

Skill Exchange After A Battle When a battle is over you must mark off any Skills and Points used during the encounter on your character card by filling in the circle of the skill for the period the skill was used in. Body points, armor points and magic points are the most common but a player should also mark off any specialty skills such as a stunning blow or fear. If a player cannot produce the required skills on their sheet, then technically that character never used that particular skill. You may need a marshal to mediate what actually occurred. If a player cannot produce body points or the spell point equivalent that represent healing then that character should be reported to a marshal.

Lifting And Carrying Objects And People Heroic feats of strength are a staple in fantasy literature, and even the novice adventurer can become temporarily strong with the aid of spells, prayers, and alchemy.

As a general guideline, characters with +0 strength can press 100lbs and squat 150 lbs.

Each purchased strength increases both lifts by 50lbs.

The purchase of a single Proficiency (Weapon, Unarmed Combat, or Ranged Weapon) increases a character's maximum press and squat by 50lbs. This additional lifting ability is only applied to the first proficiency purchased and is not cumulative; i.e., a character with multiple proficiencies (of any sort) does not gain more than 50lbs of lifting ability.

A character that is carrying over half of their lifting (squat) capacity cannot run, and can only move at a walking pace.

Often times, a hero in Travance will need to carry a wounded, dying, or even dead comrade to safety (or out of danger). These rules cover how quickly someone can move while carrying a body, living or otherwise. For simplicity's sake, the weight of the body is not a factor.

A character with normal strength, and no weapon proficiencies, can carry or drag an unconscious body at heel to toe rate.

A character with +1 strength, or any weapon proficiencies, can carry or drag an unconscious body at a normal walking pace.

A character with +2 strength or better can carry or drag a body at any rate they may normally move at.

A conscious and willing person being carried allows the carrier to move one step faster, as they can assist by holding on, balancing themselves, etc. Two people working together may carry a single body at one step faster, based on the lowest strength of the two carriers.

Combat This is a lot like Savage Worlds, except without Rolling to Hit. Players will have a starting Body of 3, and a base Toughness of 5. Certain classes will be able to purchase Body, and others will be able to purchase Toughness, at varying rates. Additionally, a character wearing armor will be granted a bonus to their toughness.

Examples of armor are outlined below:

Armor (rule case by case) Leather Jacket +1 to AC Linothorax +2 to AC Police Jacket +3 to AC Unique (loot or plot) >+3 to AC

Weapons will have a starting damage, called Mode Damage, outlined below.

Mode Damage Punch 1 Knife 5 Medium 6 Two-handed 7 Pistol 6 Long-Rifle/Shotgun 7 Unique 8<=x<=13


To initiate combat, the Offender strikes a Defender. The Defender may attempt to parry the attack with their weapon, or block it with an item like a shield. If, however, the strike lands on a weapon or shield that is not actively wielded by the Defender in either hand, or on any part of the Defender's body, including areas protected by armor, the strike is considered a successful Threat.

The Defender may choose to respond against a successful strike using skills known as Defenses.

If a valid defense is called, then the Offender and Defender are subject to its effects. Some Defenses allow the Defender to ignore a successful Threat, in which case the strike is considered a failure, just as if it had been successfully parried or blocked by a shield. Other Defenses do not allow the Defender to ignore a successful Threat, but instead allow the Defender to respond to the Threat in some other beneficial way, while still succumbing to the successful Threat's effects.

When an offender first successfully strikes the defender, the offender will call their Threat.

Threat is quantified as the sum of: model damage, innate to Model of the Offender's weapon martial damage, innate to the Offender's martial skill. make damage, innate to the Make of the Offender's weapon. augment damage afforded by temporary bonuses called Augments. More on these types later.

If the Offender's Threat is lesser than the Defender's Toughness, then the Defender may ignore the attack. Offender may immediately strike again for your Threat with a +1 bonus. Continue to strike again in this fashion. When your opponent calls "Wound," it means that you have struck them for 1 over their AC, and they have taken a Wound, subtracting from their Body Total. When a Wound is taken, you start the count over at your starting damage.

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Section 5 -- Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.



c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all liability.

Section 6 -- Term and Termination.

a. This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License terminate automatically.

b. Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under Section 6(a), it reinstates:

   1. automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided
      it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the
      violation; or

   2. upon express reinstatement by the Licensor.

 For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any
 right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations
 of this Public License.

c. For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the Licensed Material under separate terms or conditions or stop distributing the Licensed Material at any time; however, doing so will not terminate this Public License.

d. Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public License.

Section 7 -- Other Terms and Conditions.

a. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different terms or conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed.

b. Any arrangements, understandings, or agreements regarding the Licensed Material not stated herein are separate from and independent of the terms and conditions of this Public License.

Section 8 -- Interpretation.

a. For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and shall not be interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose conditions on any use of the Licensed Material that could lawfully be made without permission under this Public License.

b. To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License is deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from this Public License without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions.

c. No term or condition of this Public License will be waived and no failure to comply consented to unless expressly agreed to by the Licensor.

d. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be interpreted as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal processes of any jurisdiction or authority.


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