
Libasm est un projet qui a pour but de nous familiariser avec le langage assembleur / Libasm is a project which aims to familiarize us with the assembly language

Primary LanguageC


Libasm est un projet qui a pour but de nous familiariser avec le langage assembleur / Libasm is a project which aims to familiarize us with the assembly language

What is the Libasm ?

Libasm is an individual project at 42 where we have to recode some function in C in assembly language


To run this project on your computer check to have nasm.

The makefile compiles the .s (assembler file) with nasm -f macho64, if you use an OS other than MAC OS 64 bits, you will have to change the compilation of NASMFLAGS in the makefile.

For Windows NASMFLAGS: -f win32
For Linux NASMFLAGS: -f elf
For Mac OS NASMFLAGS: -f macho64

Running the tests

To test the project write the following commands in your terminal:

  1. make
  2. make ccproject
  3. ./a.out
  • make: compile assembly files in .o and create a library named libasm.a
  • make ccproject: compile main.c with the libasm.a library
  • ./a.out: launches tests to compare libasm to libc

Project resource