
Manage your summits, conferences, seminar days or similar with your team and speakers.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Event Management System

Organize. Communicate. Automate.

Manage your summits, conferences, seminar days or similar with your team and speakers. Keep control of lectures, rooms, events, call for papers and communicate fast with speakers via automated and easy mass mail integration.

Homepage: https://event-management-system.org/

Run with docker

sudo apt install docker docker-compose git # Or similar for your linux distribution
git clone https://github.com/Jean28518/event-management-system.git
cd event-management-system
bash build_flutter.sh
nano .env # Create environment file

Insert the following content and change it to your needs:


# Change these for production use!

# Comment this line out to deactivate Debug

# To deactivate csrf protection uncomment this line:


# only activate (uncomment) one of these:

# To set a custom time zone uncomment this line and adjust it to your timezone:

If you want to activate https://, change http:// to your server domain (e.g. www.example.com) in src/caddy/Caddyfile. If you don't change this file the event managment system will be reachable under localhost.

sudo docker-compose up -d --build
bash build_flutter.sh
sudo docker-compose up --build # For debugging, if something goes wrong.

You are done! You can reach now your event management system at port 80.

Update running production instance:

Because the sql data is stored in a separate docker volume we can easily rebuild our docker image. A stop of the containers is not needed.

git pull
bash build_flutter.sh
sudo docker-compose up -d --build

Run manually (development only)


First you have to install the requirements stored in the requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

debain based

sudo apt install libpq-dev python3-tk gettext

arch based

sudo pacman -S tk gettext

Build flutter parts

bash build_flutter.sh


This command will create the database with the given models.

mkdir src/event_management_system/db


This section is intended for the configuration of the email host. Please keep this access data confidential. Keep in mind that other apps can also see these environment variables.

paste these e.g. in your .bashrc file or execute these lines in every new terminal session:

# Change these for production use!
export SECRET_KEY="k=x2nhy8#(&lt1&g*g%382fpa8kymrl7_jrvk=d=eg_moof=8z"
export DEBUG=True

export EMAIL_HOST="smtp.gmail.com"                         
export EMAIL_PORT="587"                                   
export EMAIL_HOST_USER="example@gmail.com"                 
export EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD="xhdsajshds"   

# only activate (uncomment) one of these:
#export EMAIL_USE_TLS=True
#export EMAIL_USE_SSL=True

# To set a custom time zone uncomment this line and adjust it to your timezone:
#export TIME_ZONE="Europe/Berlin"

After changing the bashrc file you have to restart your terminal!

python3 src/event_management_system/manage.py migrate
python3 src/event_management_system/manage.py compilemessages

Run this command if you want to create the admin user of the local server.

python3 src/event_management_system/manage.py createsuperuser # (This is optional)


Run this collection to start a local server instance under linux

python3 src/event_management_system/manage.py runserver

More Commands

If you make any kind of changes to your database class models

python3 manage.py makemigrations

Creating a new django app

python3 manage.py startapp <app_name>

Change a user password

python manage.py changepassword <username>