
Application for an Art Gallery available for multiple platforms. The system has a backend database (DB) that engine two independent front-end platforms: a web-based application (WebDev) and a desktop application with GUI implementation (GUI).

Primary LanguageJava

Here's a formatted README description for your project:

# Art Gallery Application

## Overview

This Java-based application is designed for art galleries and is available across multiple platforms. The system includes a backend database (DB) that powers two independent front-end platforms: a desktop application with a graphical user interface (GUI).

## Project Structure

artgallery/ ├── addfiles ├── deleteadmin ├── deleteart ├── deleteartist ├── favorites ├── login ├── newadmin ├── newart ├── newartist ├── register ├── updateuser └── user

## Features

- **Backend Database (DB):** Centralized database to manage all gallery data, including artworks, artists, and users.
- **Desktop Application (GUI):** A user-friendly desktop interface for managing gallery operations.

## Functionalities

- **Login:** Secure login system for administrators and users.
- **Register:** Allows new users to create accounts.
- **New Admin:** Functionality to add new administrators.
- **New Art:** Interface to add new artworks to the gallery.
- **New Artist:** Ability to register new artists.
- **Update User:** Enables updating user information.
- **Delete Admin:** Remove administrators from the system.
- **Delete Art:** Delete artworks from the gallery.
- **Delete Artist:** Remove artists from the database.
- **Favorites:** Users can mark artworks as favorites.

## Getting Started

### Prerequisites

- Java Development Kit (JDK) installed
- Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse
- Database setup (details depending on your specific DBMS)

### Installation

1. **Clone the Repository:**
   git clone https://github.com/yourusername/artgallery.git
   cd artgallery
  1. Set Up Database:

    • Ensure your database server is running.
    • Import the provided database schema and data.
  2. Build the Project:

    • Open the project in your preferred IDE.
    • Compile the source code.
  3. Run the Application:

    • Execute the main class to start the desktop application.


  • Login: Enter your credentials to access the system.
  • Register: Fill in the required details to create a new user account.
  • Gallery Management: Use the provided GUI to manage artworks, artists, and users.
  • Favorites: Browse and mark artworks as favorites.


If you would like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Ensure that your code follows the existing style and includes appropriate tests.