
Weather App

Primary LanguageSwift

This is a local weather app coded in Swift. The app was a project assigned by the Udemy devslopes course. Access this project via the workspace file, not the xcodeproj file.

This project also uses the openweathermap api - https://openweathermap.org/current

Currently, my key is in the project. Feel free to use your own key by signing up for an account

V 0.00 - First commit

V 0.10 - UI is basically designed

V 0.11 - UI Tweaked more

V 0.20 - Constants and Current Weather files created

V 0.25 - Current Weather file now imports the JSON file

V 0.40 - The top UI now loads well for a pre-loaded city (this will change to geo-coordinates later)

V 0.80 - The app now imports all the data it needs, only thing left is to actually use the data to change label descriptions.

V 0.90 - Created the WeatherTableViewCell file. Tweaked Constants file. Label descriptions now update properly, but we actually need to do one more thing, which is to allow the weather app to take in geo-coordinates and give data on any location.

V 1.00 - App is now fully fuctional!

V 2.00 - Added code to prevent crashing if the location service isn't working. The app now refreshes data if the user taps the screen. Refactored repetitive code. Added some comments.