?: What's a task that can be achieved with a CLI?
( ) Working with computers remotely ( ) Managing files on a file server or web server (e.g., managing a web page) ( ) Automating commonly performed tasks (X) All of the above.
?: Which command is used to identify the logged-in username?
( ) pwd
( ) cd
(X) whoami
( ) /Users
?: Which command is used to change directories in bash
( ) mv
(X) cd
( ) cp
( ) pwd
?: Which command is used to list directory files in the shell?
(X) ls
( ) mv
( ) touch
( ) mdir
?: Which command is used to create empty files?
( )mkdir
( )cp
( ) new
(X) touch
?: Which command is used to remove a directory?
( ) rm
( ) rm -r
( ) rm -rf
(X) Both B and C.
?: Which command prints the contents of a file?
( ) open
( ) echo
( ) printf
(X) cat
?: Which command navigates back to a home directory?
( ) pwd
(X) cd
( ) ..
( ) cd ..
?: Which command navigates up one directory?
( ) cd
( ) ..
(X) cd ..
( ) cd ~
?: Which command renames a file?
( ) rm
( ) rn
( ) cp